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The months had been kind to both you and Jacob. You and him finished conquering the boroughs - much to Jacob's annoyance because of your pregnancy. Evie and Henry moved away to India for their lives together and you couldn't be happier for your sister-in-law. 

You and Jacob got married in May. It was a quaint ceremony with both your closest friends. The rooks celebrated for days on end thanks to Jacob ordering it so. 

Jacob had become a doting father before the child was even born by working on the nursery and ensuring the house was completely safe. He made sure to cater to your every need over the months. He was truly overjoyed when you went into labour. 

The birth of your son brought you and Jacob even closer together, if that was even possible. The pair of you decided on naming him Emmett. 

You and Jacob had discussed in length about how to bring him up. Jacob was set on bringing him up like an assassin but you were more worried for his safety but that only meant Jacob would convince you by reminding you how great he was as a teacher. 

One particular morning, you awoke feeling refreshed. It was strange considering you had a new-born across the hall. You got yourself out of bed after noticing Jacob wasn't asleep beside you and went to check on Emmett. You slowly opened the door to his room and found he wasn't in his crib.

You frowned but ventured downstairs and entered the lounge to find your husband and your son sound asleep in one of the lounge chairs. Jacob was slouched with his feet up on the ottoman and Emmet was nestled against his chest.

You smiled at the sight and approached them quietly. You gave Emmett a kiss on the back of his head and Jacob a kiss on his cheek. 

"How come he gets a kiss first?" Jacob muttered with a groggy voice that startled you slightly.

You laughed lightly, "Do not be jealous of your own son, Jacob." You scolded as the man opened his eyes. Jacob smiled and pouted his lips so you gave him a kiss, "Why are you sleeping down here?"

"You looked exhausted last night, love." Jacob answered and sat up a little straighter. He shuffled Emmett between his arms to get more comfortable whilst trying not to wake the baby, "I thought I would give you some time to actually sleep."

"Thank you." You nodded and stood straight. Jacob gently handed over your son and you cuddled him happily. 

Jacob rubbed his eyes slightly and got up from the chair. He gave you a kiss on your cheek and stroked Emmet's hair softly.

"Now, how about some tea?"

Unexpected (Jacob Frye x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now