Chapter 5 -

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Chapter 5 -

You weren't certain at all on how to return to your home. You looked a complete mess and how were you to greet your mother? Hello, I escaped from the asylum. Nothing would make sense.

You braced yourself and walked up the steps to your home and opened the door. Your mother appeared from the lounge with a teacup in her hand which she dropped when she saw your face.

She began bawling and approached you. She brought your head to her shoulder and cradled you as if you were the one with teary eyes. 


"The asylum closed down. I was afraid about what might have happened to you!" She bawled, "I am so glad my only daughter is safe."

You couldn't help but smile at her words. You had somehow convinced yourself that she'd send for the police when she saw you. You weren't surprised by the news of the asylum closing down. Jacob had caused that and it was needed. Your mother kept cradling you for what seemed like forever when she finally stepped back and took a good look at you.

"Dear god, you look as though you've been rolling around in the park!" She exclaimed. She called for the maid and sent you upstairs but followed behind you.

A bath was drawn and you cleaned yourself quite happily whilst your mother did what she enjoyed - picking out vibrant fabric to suffocate you with. You got out of the bath and you were prepped and polished and ready to go out in society again before you knew it. Your hair was done and the corset was tight.

You headed back down the stairs with your mother babbling on about things that had occured whilst you were in the asylum. That's when you saw Mr. Halls waiting at the bottom. He was shocked to see you but it was completely different to how your mother reacted.

"...oh! And we are to be wed this Sunday." Your mother finished and gave Mr. Halls a bright smile.

"This Sunday...? Is that not too soon?" You frowned.

"I'm an older bride." She said somewhat sadly, "The sooner the better. I think you might like some of our guests. My love knows a handful of high standing people!"


Sunday had rolled around before you knew it. Your mother was beaming and you were happy for her, of course, but you couldn't help but feel somewhat afraid for her well-being. Mr. Halls had barely spoken more than five words to you since you returned and well, in the entire time your mother had known him.

It was early morning and the sun was bright in the sky. A perfect day for a wedding.

You were currently stood outside the church greeting the guests that were attending. Some you had known for a number of years as they were friends with your mother and others you didn't know at all that were obviously related to Mr. Halls.

A lady you recognised as your neighbour approached you with delight and took both your hands in hers, "Y/N, when will you be getting married? I am rather surprised your mother is on her second marriage when you haven't had one yet."

"I will get married when the right man comes by." You smiled as you told her.

"Don't be silly! Everyone knows love usually comes after marriage these days. Especially at your age."

"Yes, quite." You nodded in agreement knowing that your thoughts would be argued against if you even tried.

The lady headed inside the church along with the other guests. You were about to head inside yourself when another carriage stopped just outside the gates. A man got out of the carriage and began walking confidently towards you. He wore mainly black with a golden looking waistcoat. He also wore a purple scarf around his neck with the tie to match.

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