Chapter 2 -

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Chapter 2 -

"Mr. Frye! I do not think this is appropriate-"

"What? You'd rather brawl fully clothed?" Jacob asked in disbelief as he removed his shirt since he'd already disregarded his coat and weapons.

You huffed and removed your coat, tossing it on the ground, "I thought only married people were to take their clothes off together." You entered the fight ring. You felt relaxed with it being early morning so nobody was here to watch.

"Oh bloody married couples." Jacob rolled his eyes and jumped into the ring, "Who does it harm? Hmm? It's just a body."

"So if you were to marry you wouldn't mind other men looking at her body?" You raised your brows along with your fists.

"I didn't say that, love. That's different. That would be the love of my life, not just a random stranger." Jacob stepped forward and pushed you over easier than you'd like to admit.

"Hey! That was foul. What was the purpose of that?" You frowned as you stood back up only to be shoved down again.

"If you're this easy to take down then you'll get nowhere fighting. Work on your stance a bit." Jacob instructed. Upon seeing your confusion on how to change, he lowered his hands and moved towards you. He lifted one of your arms higher than the other and turned them both inwards slightly. He then grabbed your thigh, prompting a small squeak from you but also movement of your leg forward as he intended. "Bit jumpy, are we?" He teased as he took his stance once again.

"Only when strangers are touching me inappropriately." You replied with your eyes narrowing at him.

"Strangers?" Jacob repeated, "I'm hurt, Y/N. I thought we were at least acquaintances."

You rolled your eyes once more, "Hurry with it, will you? I've a lunch date to attend today so my mother wishes to ensure I'm dressed nicely."

"Pardon me, keeping you from your other duties, miss." Jacob teased, "Perhaps I should meet the chaps myself. Let all your possible suitors know you've been brawling with a man naked and alone."

"Quiet you devil." You watched him as he moved about the ring, "I do not plan on marrying anyone unless I genuinely love them. I do not believe in marriage for the benefit of the family but benefit for yourself."

"You say it as though it's not easy to fall for someone, Y/N." Jacob responded as he dodged one of your attempted hits, "You fall for someone when you least expect it, regardless of if you intended to or not."

You lowered your arms and stared at him for a second, "Have you been hurt before, Jacob?"

"Arms up!" He instructed, you followed, "I have. I fell for a woman when I didn't think there'd be a chance for me to do so." You swung for his head but he blocked it with his forearm, "We were together for awhile, a year at most..." He spun you around and pinned your arm to your own back, "It became obvious she was seeing other men... oh how she liked to deny it." He kicked the back of your knee so you fell down, "I was a fool and let it go. It ended up being her to end things with me - I didn't trust her and it all became my fault." He released your arm and you stood back up, "She broke my heart and turned things around so she wouldn't have a guilty conscience when she left me."

You rubbed your arm where his hold had been a little too tight to bare as you processed his words. You looked at him softly, "She doesn't sound like a decent person." Was all you could muster to begin with until you heard Jacobs forced laugh at your comment, "You are a good man, Jacob. The right woman will come your way."

"Ah, but that's where you're forgetting I kill people."

"Bad people-"

"People nonetheless." 

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