Chapter 4 -

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Chapter 4 -

You never imagined you'd end up in this place. You thought your mother cared for you more than this. You were sat in your room when two men dragged you down the stairs and into a carriage. You were kicking and screaming. The last thing you saw was your mother and Mr. Halls stood in the doorway staring at you.

You were locked in a room dressed in white. All you could hear were screams and you dread to think about the pain people were going through. It truly was inhumane what was going on here. 

And yet, you could do nothing. You were admitted here just like the rest of the poor souls. Misunderstood for the 'madness' you all were diagnosed with. 

It was hardly a clean room. Nothing like what you were used to. You were quite spoilt in reality so anything less was quite grim. 

You studied your surroundings for any means of escape and noticed a vent by the floor leading to the next room. The space was big enough to crawl through. You shuffled closer towards it and began trying to get it loose.

You snatched your hand away when one of the guards began opening the door. He walked towards you and grabbed your arm. He pulled you to the bed at the other side of the room and began restraining you. He then poured liquid down your throat that you recognised as soothing syrup - the medicine your mother had been giving you for quite some time now. 

"We'll start the treatment tomorrow. Be ready, miss." The guard warned.

"And what, may I ask, is my treatment for?" You retorted, "I am in good health."

The guard snickered, "Mr. Halls thinks otherwise. He's an expert at this stuff. He's set up a treatment program for ya."

"I beg your pardon? Mr. Halls is not my parent nor is he anything of the sort."

"Instructions are instructions." The guard shrugged and went out of the same door he entered with. 

You attempted to get somewhat comfortable on the bed despite all the restraints but it was no use. You were in for a long night it seemed.


The following morning, you awoke to the sound of the door opening. You had managed to fall asleep at some point during the night so the rude awakening made you drowsy.

The restraints were removed and you were dragged up into a sitting position on the bed. Again, the soothing syrup was poured down your throat. And again, you swallowed it.

Two guards then lifted you up and dragged you down the hall and some stairs and restrained you in a much larger room. The restraints were heavier this time and now you were more awake.

A man with a grey hair and a beard to match came into your view. He had a smug aura but also one that gave you the impression that he was entirely calm. He appeared somewhat sinister nonetheless.

"A first timer, it seems." The man commented, "Anyone else would be shaking by now."

"Yes, well, I know I'll get out of here. There's nothing wrong with me." You said and continued to stare up at the ceiling.

"I am Dr. John Elliotson. I'll be overlooking the treatment this morning."

"Ah, yes, the famed lunatic." You scoffed, "You used to have credibility."

"I am not the one receiving shock therapy." He responded, "You won't be leaving here. Not whilst you're still breathing."

"My mother won't allow you to murder me. That's what it is, isn't it? Murder."

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