Chapter 11 -

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Chapter 11 -

Your head hurt like hell.

If hell was even appropriate for the pain and nausea you were feeling. The first thing you did when you woke up was complete what you apparently failed to the night before - get into comfortable clothing.

There was a knock at the door when you had climbed back into bed in your night clothes. You welcomed the visitor in and saw Evie's fresh face.

"I thought it would be Jacob I would see first thing in the morning." You mentioned, "Good to see you."

"It is far from morning, Y/N." Evie laughed, "Jacob headed out hours ago. I've come to ask a favour."

"Oh..." You hummed, "How can I help?"

"Jacob and I have been helping Mr. Abberline out with bounties..." She began, "And one of the men got away. I heard from Clara that he will be attending a ball in Westminster but it will be heavily guarded by policemen. I was hoping you'd still have some connections and you would be able to get me an invite...?"

"What? Of course I can!" You said with a smile.

"The option is there if you wish to join me, too." She offered.

"Yes, that would be lovely." You nodded, "When is the ball taking place?"

"Tomorrow evening." 

"I shall see what I can do."


"Rise and shine!" Jacob exclaimed  as he appeared from the window. You groaned and turned away from him. You had fallen asleep not long since, "Hungover, are we?" He teased and walked closer.

"Yes. I do not welcome bold entrances right now." You scolded, "At least Evie had the decency to knock."

"Evie came by?"

"Yes, she asked for some help regarding an invite." You shrugged, "How bad was I last night...?" You dreaded to ask.

" you not remember it?"

"No." You told him truthfully.

"Right. Okay." Jacob licked his lips in a somewhat nervous manner and sat down, "Anyway, I located Pearl to find out what our next move is. If you're up for it?"

"Depends. I don't fancy throwing up for no good reason."

"We need to rescue Ned." Jacob said bluntly, "He got arrested but we need him to steal some engines miss Attaway wants."

"Ned got arrested?!" You exclaimed in disbelief, "I want to join."

"'re eager all of a sudden."

"Of course, Ned is a nice bloke. He is your friend, right?"

"Did you forget the part when I told you he's a womanizer?"

You rolled your eyes, "I am sure he will quit that kind of life for the right person, no?"

Jacob swallowed hard, "I'll meet you outside." He sighed when he was sure he was out of your earshot. He felt kind of defeated. He felt stupid and cowardly. But most of all, he felt jealous. 

You joined Jacob around 10 minutes later fully dressed. You had trouble tying your bracer around your arm so you asked the man to help. He stood close to you and began tying the bracer around your arm. His eyes kept darting between the knots he was making and your eyes. 

"Jacob? Is something wrong...?"

"No." He stepped away and looked elsewhere, "Nothing. Lets go."

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