Chapter 10 -

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Chapter 10 -

You were atop a building in the city of London with Jacob. He got information from a few rooks that the train you were looking for had just left Whitechapel. Jacob seemed distant but you knew mentioning it would probably lead to an argument.

"I see it!" You exclaimed and Jacob looked where you were, "We need to climb down quickly...!"

"Climb down? I was planning on jumping." Jacob said nonchalantly.

"Jumping? To your death, you mean?" You frowned.

Jacob laughed, "No. There's a nice cart full of hay right below us. We're jumping."

"What? I-"

Jacob ran towards you and enveloped you in his arms. You had a pit in your stomach as the floor left you and all you could see was the roof of the building getting further and further away. Your hands grabbed onto Jacob's coat for dear life. You crashed into the cart below and you let out the biggest sigh of relief in your life.

You and Jacob were tangled in a heap. You could feel his breath on your neck. He lifted his head slightly and looked you right in the eyes. The closeness was welcomed. You stared right back at him but your eyes once again betrayed you as you glanced to his lips. A smirk grew on his face. He noticed. He clambered out of the cart and pulled you out after him.

You found yourselves on the side of the train tracks as the train approached. Jacobs eyes fixated on the train for a few moments as if to check if it was the right one. He nodded to himself, unaware that you were still watching him.

Something about the way he turned to look at you with a smile made your heart beat a little faster. You couldn't explain it.

He drew you out of your own thoughts, "Y/N, be ready to climb on." He instructed, "Hide. We can't let the driver see us." You ducked down by the hay cart with Jacob and ran out when he did to get onto the train. You hopped onto the back and Jacob assessed the situation, "Can you take out the scout? I don't want him telling all the blighters on this thing that we're here."

You nodded and climbed on top of the train. He was on the next carriage. Jacob went ahead to kill any blighters that might see you. You jumped down and the scout got spooked and began running ahead. You stopped him by grabbing the back of his coat and dragging him back. You used your bracer to finish him off. Jacob came back from the next cart to look for any goods he could carry on his person.

"Nicely done, love." He praised, "You're getting better at this." He opened up a small box that was on a shelf and took the contents.

You both moved onto the next carriage full of blighters and took them out easily between the two of you. You got to the final carriage. It contained four men armed with long-range guns. Jacob pushed you down when one of the blighters aimed and fired in your direction.

"My bet is that's where all the good stuff is." You mentioned.

"Yes, it seems that way." Jacob agreed and stood up to and attack the gang members.

You stood along with him. He dashed forwards and it was miraculous how he could dodge the bullets being fired. He began attacking with his brass knuckles. You went forwards and got out your cane sword to attack.

Jacob finished off his fight and left you with the final man. He ran to the end of the carriage and began hitting the bolt that held all the carriages together with the engine. It broke free and the engine sped off ahead leaving the remaining carriages slowing down on the bridge.

You went to stab the man but he fired his bullet right at you. You didn't feel it at first but looking down to see the red oozing out of a wound made your face pale and the pain seep through your thigh like a burning sensation.

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