Chapter 8 -

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Chapter 8 -

You took a deep breath as you approached your home. Or at least, what was your home. You couldn't stay there anymore. Starrick knew where it was and if he found out you were alive, he'd know exactly where to look to have you killed.

You walked around the back of the home through an alleyway to enter through to the kitchen. You opened the door cautiously and examined your surroundings before you felt comfortable finding everything you needed.

You walked to the dining room to find it completely trashed. All the furniture in the room had been knocked over and destroyed. Shattered china covered the floorboards but the art on the walls remained intact.

You quickly moved onto the lounge to gather family portraits and photographs. You placed them into the bag you had brought with you. Next, you went up the stairs to the first floor which held your parents' bedroom. You avoided this room for so long after your father passed away. 

You creaked open the door and were astounded that his room fared better than the dining room and lounge. You went right to your mothers dressing table and discovered her old wedding ring. The one she had when she married your father. You sighed sadly and placed the ring into your bag. 

Then you moved onto your room on the third floor. You dug out a few dresses and stuffed them into your bag. You thought about packing an extra corset or two but Jacobs words weighed on your mind. He thought you looked good without one. 

With that in mind, you left the corsets behind. You went to your own dressing table and gathered up all the memorabilia. This just included jewellery items that your mother and father had gifted you over the years. 

You were about to head back downstairs when you heard the front door slam open. You headed down the stairs as quietly as you could and saw flashes of red jackets. You rolled your eyes. You did not want to deal with this kind of thing today. Luckily, before you left Jacob on the train, he advised you take something to defend yourself.

You got out your cane sword and went down the stairs. The brutes noticed you right away. They got out their knives ready to attack. You calmly placed down your bag and walked into the dining room. The brutes seemed confused by your actions and followed you. They ran towards you with their weapons in the air ready to slash you. 

You kicked one of the broken chairs in one of the brutes' direction and he fell onto the china. With the other, you blocked his attack with the stick of the cane sword. You kicked the front of his knees and he tumbled. You then cut the mans throat mercilessly. The other brute finally got up from his fall and was angrier than ever. He attacked you without thinking. You ducked out of his way and shoved him into the wall and stabbed him through the back.

You wiped off the blade and sheathed it then returned to your bag, picked it up and continued with what you were doing. 

The last thing you intended to salvage was in the basement. You lit a candle as you went down the steps. You found the safe in the corner of the room. You approached it and placed down the candle by the safe. 

You had to pause to think for a moment for the combination. You twisted it in and the safe opened. You hadn't actually seen the contents of this for a number of years either. It was your fathers... then your mothers... and now yours. 

The door opened and you were met with a small fortune and a letter that was addressed to you. You pondered over the contents then placed it into your bag for later. You collected all the cash and were now done with your visit. You found it unlikely that you would return at all.


You returned to the train with your few belongings. You felt as though they'd be safer on the train rather than Jacobs home at the stronghold.

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