Chapter 16 -

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Chapter 16 -

Jacob had gone to see Maxwell Roth. You knew he had lied right to your face when he told you he was heading out.

He had done this a few times now. He was out with Roth during the week doing god knows what and leaving you behind at the stronghold. You hadn't seen Evie to help her out with anything so you passed the time by helping the rooks instead with their duties.

It was late in the evening and you had left some rooks who were taking back a carriage full of supplies. You were unusually tired and you couldn't figure out why.

You walked through the streets back towards home when a carriage pulled up beside you. Three blighters got out of the vehicle and grabbed you and shoved you into the carriage. You were too tired to try and fight them off. What could they possibly want this time? You noted that the driver looked rather solemn. He seemed strange to say the least.

They restrained your hands and legs and began beating you inside the carriage as it rode to it's destination. Now you were tired and your body hurt like hell. 

You weren't sure what was going on when a mask was placed on your face and you were dragged out of the carriage and into a building. You were even more confused when you could hear the chatter of a crowd. There were gasps as you were led somewhere. You couldn't see anything. The mask covered your eyes.

There was a hoarse laugh just in front of you, "I hope you have enjoyed your evening so far, ladies and gentlemen. I know I have. Now, before our final act, I would like to toast all you brave people who joined us tonight to celebrate life... and death." There was a brief pause, "Go on, toast them!" The man laughed again and the sounds of flames and the screams of people were heard, "Your move, Jacob, my dear!" 

Jacob? Jacob was here? You could only assume that the mans voice was Roth. But that wouldn't make any sense... you had thought they were working together. 

You heard a rope being cut and it whizzing up beside you. You also couldn't keep your mind off just how damn hot the place was getting. You shook the mask of your face finally and saw you were on stage at the Alhambra. The wooden stage was almost entirely on fire. You began coughing uncontrollably from all the smoke. You couldn't break free from your restraints. 

"Y/N!" You heard Jacob yell as he jumped down from above you, "Are you hurt? We need to get out of here."

"I'm fine." You told him and he cut you loose.

He nodded and took your hand to pulled you away from part of the stage that collapsed. You both then ran back towards the main entrance. You had to climb up to the second level to find a path. 

He shot his rope launcher across the main floor to escape the flames and rushed you to go first. You pulled yourself across the rope as quickly as you could. You screamed when the rope snapped and you swung down. You still managed to get where you needed to be by climbing. You turned to see Jacob still in the same spot you left him in.

"Go! Y/N! I'll meet you outside!" He told you.

You listened to him and ran down the steps to the entrance and ran a safe distance away from the building. You breathed a sigh of relief when Jacob arrived minutes later. 

"How could you let yourself get captured?" Jacob spoke first, "I left Roth. He was insane. It's a good thing you're still alive."

He was in a foul mood and it seemed he intended to lash out at you.

"Let myself get captured?" You narrowed your eyes, "As far as I am supposed to know... you never met with Roth. I had no idea you were even working together. If it wasn't for the rooks, that is." 

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