Chapter 13 -

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Chapter 13 -

You were on the train waiting for Evie, Jacob or even Henry to arrive. You were still beaming from your efforts earlier in the day. You wanted to impress them by how far you had come. The only thing that arrived though was the fog into the night.

You had fallen asleep on the chair in the first carriage when it was clear neither twin or Henry would be back soon. 

Jacob arrived hours into the night to get some sleep since you had mentioned you would be there. Before he slept, he grabbed a blanket and placed it over you so you wouldn't freeze to death. He noticed some extra wounds on your body that weren't there before so he made a mental note to question Evie about them since that's who he assumed you had been with.

He gave you a light kiss on your forehead and crashed for a few hours. He didn't stay for very long at all since he had to head back out to meet Mr. Abberline. He had uncovered Starrick's banker which turned into a bank robbery. He was helping Mr. Abberline catch the culprit, well, kill the culprit. 

He had left before you had even opened your eyes. He gave you another kiss to your forehead and headed out. You had woken not long after his departure to Evie strolling in.

"Don't tell me you slept there all night, Y/N?" Evie asked, "The bed is a lot comfier but at least you got yourself a blanket."

You glanced down and rubbed your eyes, "I fell asleep here... it wasn't my intention. If not you with the blanket then it must've been Jacob." You told her and folded the blanket neatly before placing it onto the bed.

"I heard from the rooks that you took down the Southwark borough leader yesterday." Evie smiled, "Well done. I'm sure Jacob would be proud."

"About Jacob and I-"

"I say it should have happened sooner." Evie said and sat herself down on the bed across from you, "I am happy for my brother and I am happy for you. It is just a shame you wasted so much time getting to it."

"I am glad you approve." You smiled warmly, "Do you know where he is?"

"I don't have a clue." Evie admitted, "But perhaps we could go do some things out in the city of London? I know Jacob has probably taught you nothing about stealth."

"That is true... I shall join you."


You climbed to the top of a building just outside of a gang stronghold. Evie crouched and pulled over her hood. She instructed you to do the same. She scanned the area thoroughly. The houses themselves were quite compact and close together.

"I think the first plan of action should be to take down the lookout." Evie said and hopped across the rooftops. You followed behind her and stared down to the lookout that was patrolling below, "Air assassinate him." 

"What? Just jump down and stab him?"

"Yes." Evie nodded, "Be sure to stab him as you are falling. Do not land then attack him, he may hear you and then a fight will ensue." 

"Got it."

You got to slightly lower ground to do this since you weren't as adept as Evie and you'd probably hurt yourself trying to do it from the rooftop. You waited for the lookout to get out of the way of prying eyes. 

He walked directly underneath you and you dropped from the ledge. You stabbed him with your hidden blade and pushed him to the ground with the force from falling from such a height. You climbed back up to meet Evie.

"Well done." She praised, "Now... we're going to take out the long range blighters on the roofs over there." She pointed, "We'll go around... out of their view." You followed Evie once again and were stood on top of a slightly higher building. You were about to repeat your previous kill when Evie stopped you, "Throwing knives." Is all she told you and demonstrated by throwing one. It hit the blighter in the head and she fell.

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