Chapter 18 -

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Chapter 18 -

"You know if you fell from this height you would probably die."

"What a lovely thing to say whilst staring at clouds with your partner, Jacob."

"It was a warning to be more careful when you shuffle closer."

"Could you not have just said be careful?"


You sat up on the roof you were currently lounging on and sighed. Jacob propped himself up on his elbows.

"Is this what life has really come to now?" Jacob pondered, "Looking at clouds...?"

"I know. It is quite boring." You agreed, "Perhaps we should go and find some fun?"

"In your condition...? No, love."

"What condition?" You narrowed your eyes at your lover.

"You vomited and you informed me you had been feeling unwell. I do not think conflict, Mr. Halls was the only exception, is good."

"Alright. I understand and respect your opinion but I disagree." You stood up and skipped down the roofing tiles to get to the flat edge, "Just like I disagreed on coming to parliament to look at clouds."

"At least go and see miss Nightingale..." Jacob begged and followed behind you.

"If it will put your mind at ease then I shall."

"There is also a matter of you going to see the assassin council-"

"Since when has there been an assassin council? You have been here since February and it is nearing Christmas and you had yet to mention such a thing?" You shot your rope launcher across the street and went to pull yourself across. Jacob followed.

"I did not think it was important! Evie and I went against their wishes by coming here in the first place and to be honest, I forgot about them. They supplied no help in the liberation of London but Evie and Henry both insist you go."


"You seem to be going through all kinds of emotions today." Jacob commented as you walked up to miss Nightingale's office.

"I do?" You looked up at the man. He nodded and gripped your hand.

You walked into the office and a woman greeted Jacob right away. You assumed she was Nightingale. 

"What can I do for you today, Mr. Frye?" The woman asked.

"I would like you check over Y/N. My partner." Jacob then went to explain everything you had told him about how you had been feeling and what he had witnessed himself.

You then went into a separate room with Nightingale. Jacob was permitted to stay outside. You sat down on a bench. Nightingale asked you a series of questions and wrote it down on a piece of paper once you had answered.

"I hope you do not find me too intruding..." She began, "But... your cycle, is it regular?"

You were taken aback by such a thing. You were more shocked by the fact you had entirely forgotten about it. It was due three weeks prior to this. You had butterflies swarming your stomach and the revelation hit you at the possibility that you and Jacob may have well conceived. 

"I- um..." You stumbled, "It was due three weeks ago- I have not-"

"Right." Nightingale wrote another thing down, "I must conclude that you are in fact pregnant. Congratulations. Do you wish for me to inform Mr. Frye of the news?"

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