Chapter 12 -

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Chapter 12 -

It was all overwhelming. 

Jacob told you about his plan to kill Pearl but he wanted to do it alone. He asked you to stay at the stronghold for the time being, he felt as though you were safest there surrounded by the bulk of the rooks. You were kept company by Maggie and her partner Oliver. 

You were stood by a firepit to keep yourself warm. It was a particularly cold night and stood by the fire was warmer than in the house. 

It was quiet one moment then the next rooks were yelling about blighters in carriages. You ran to look and saw five at least all full of them. The rooks turned to you for guidance. 

"Why are you all looking at me? I'm not your leader! You know what to do!" You panicked.

"Well ya pretty much the boss' girlfriend and yer an assassin so you are our leader right now! Tell us what we should do!" Maggie told you.

"What? We'll talk about this later!" You drew in a deep breath and glanced around at the people you had, "Long ranged fighters go to the roofs and take out the bulkier men! Those with a good shot, stand behind and take out the blighters with guns and for the rest of you... form a line of defence!" You ordered and were surprised that everyone listened. Everyone ran to their positions just as a group of templars showed up to make things more difficult.


Meanwhile, Jacob used the information he had heard to his advantage and was at the station. He briefly spoke to a rook that informed him that the engines were there. He instructed her to assemble a team elsewhere to collect the engines once he'd got them. 

Next, he got himself to a vantage point via an open window atop the train station. He settled on one of the beams and scoped out his surroundings thoroughly.

The first thing he chose to do was free the station chief and get the train schedule so crowds of people could enter the station. This would mean there would be plenty of places for Jacob to hide in plain sight.

Freeing the station chief included killing a group of blighters that were holding him hostage. He threw a smoke bomb and killed them. He helped the station chief to his feet and told him to run. Jacob then moved into the next room and got the schedule. He then ran back out and handed the schedule to the conductor. 

Jacob waited for a few moments then exited the building. He knew of a tunnel underneath the station that would guarantee he would be unseen. The tunnel brought him up right outside Pearl's train but Jacob wanted to do things with a bit of flair. He overheard templars speaking of a flaw in the carriage's design. This peaked Jacob's interest so he stole blueprints from an unknowing templar walking across the platform. 

Jacob looked over the blueprints and found the flaw. The only things left were three templars keeping guard outside the carriage.

Jacob threw another smoke bomb and killed the templars off one by one. He then climbed up onto the carriage and watched Pearl as she aimlessly looked around. 

Jacob burst through the glass and stabbed her right in the neck. The world slowed down as it always did with his main targets. 

"What a shame. Good partnerships are hard to come by."

"Ours is most certainly dissolved." Jacob sneered.

"It's business, Mr. Frye. One does what one must to come out on top." She paused, "Crawford will not take the news of my death lightly. He can be... unpleasant when he's cross. I have sacrificed so much. I don't want to lose my buses... but I won't be the only one that loses something tonight. The girl is being dealt with..." Jacob took out a handkerchief and dirtied it with her blood. He stuffed it back into his coat then ran to the front of the train to start the engine. 

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