Chapter 6 -

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Chapter 6 -

You had just finished getting ready for the date your mother had set up for you. A carriage stopped outside your home and you knew it was for you.

You went down the steps and saw your mother was dressed up and so was Mr. Halls. The door opened and in walked Crawford Starrick. He went right up to you and greeted you with a kiss to the back of your hand.

"Shall we get going?" Starrick insisted.

"Oh! Just a moment..." your mother said and hurried to the kitchen. She returned moments later with a tonic for you, "She has to take her medicine."

You were displeased but took the liquid anyway. She had been getting you to drink medicine since you returned from the asylum just in case. Starrick eyed the bottle curiously but didn't say a word.

The four of you headed off to a local event. You separated from your mother and were alone with Starrick.

"I recommend not taking any sort of tonic from now on." Starrick said and took a sip from the glass he was holding, "It will not do you good to be drinking such things when you aren't ill."

"Yes, you're right." You picked up a glass, "May I ask what your relationship is with Mr. Halls? Of course, feel no obligation to answer." You were trying to get more information on the man your mother married and it seemed Starrick was the only way to do that.

"He is one of my business partners." Starrick told you, "Part of my inner circle, you could say." You opened your mouth to question him some more but he seemed to know you were about to do this and pressed a finger to your lips, "Y/N, please. I want to know more about you. This is why I asked your mother if we could see one another."

You spoke to Starrick about yourself briefly. You didn't really feel comfortable going into details about your past - not that it was much interesting anyway. You revealed very little about yourself whilst making it seem like a lot.

You mentally cursed when you felt the pain in your head and your vision suddenly became cloudy. You became wobbly on your feet and dropped your glass. Everyone turned to look at you. Before you knew it, you had fallen.

The next time you opened your eyes you were back at home in your room. Your head felt a little fuzzy but other than that you were fine. You had been changed from your dress into a nightgown.

You left your bed and stood slowly. You made your way down the stairs rather quietly. You overheard arguing in the lounge. It was between Starrick and Mr. Halls.

"I told you we needed her alive!" You heard Starrick bellow, "She is directly connected to those Frye twins. What had we done if she had passed because you had insisted on giving her false tonics replicating my soothing syrup?! And sending the girl to the asylum to be murdered?!"

You got to the bottom of the stairs and listened in on the conversation. You noted that your mother had gone out somewhere.

"I was intending to bring her into the order, sir." 

"Fine." Starrick sighed harshly, "But you will continue to follow my orders correctly from now on. I can't have one of my top ranking Templars ruin my plans."

You drew in a breath at what you had heard. Templars? They were both templars. The people Jacob had said he was attempting to free London from. Jacob hadn't mentioned any names about his targets. You knew he didn't quite trust you with that information yet. But how were you supposed to tell him about Starrick and Mr. Halls? You didn't have the answer to that question.

You walked back to the stairs quietly and thumped at the bottom so they'd hear you. You walked into the lounge as though you hadn't heard anything. 

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