Chapter 7 -

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Chapter 7 -

Starrick had taken you home after his proposal and so many thoughts were strimming round in your head. You were aware that Starrick was with the templars but you were unsure to what extent. How high up was he? Then there was Mr. Halls. You knew he had to die at some point but that would leave your mother devastated.

You took yourself up the stairs glumly. Overall, there would be no positive outcome whatever happened. You reached your room and took your dress off. Your body relaxed from removing the restraints. You changed into your nightgown and was about to get into bed when the window opened.

"Jacob!" You gasped at the sight of him.

He looked incredibly angry. He strode towards you and clasped your throat in his hand and slammed you against the wall.

"I came to apologise, Y/N." He told you with a sneer, "But it seems you've been sleeping with the enemy. Tell me, are you a templar too? Was what we were doing together just a big ploy to kill us?!"

You reached up and grabbed his arm, "I- I didn't know any names!" You argued, "Y-You didn't tell me any! How was I supposed to know?!" Jacob stared into your eyes for a moment before letting go of you. You coughed and breathed heavily, "I accepted his proposal to kill him. I found out he was a templar after he argued about me with Mr. Halls. They said they're going to eliminate you and bring me into the order."

"Why should I believe any of this?"

"If you didn't trust me you would've killed me just now."

Jacob headed back towards the window to leave, "No. I'll just leave you for the grand master to kill. That's who you're marrying. I hate to say it, love, you don't stand a chance." And with that he left. 

You dropped to the floor and began crying. You had lost Jacob. You knew it. At least you'd be dead soon.


"Mr. Starrick." You greeted with a forced smile as the man walked into your home.

"Y/N. We have things we need to discuss." He told you, "May we speak together with Mr. Halls?"

You nodded and went into the dining room of your home where Mr. Halls was already sat with a newspaper. He closed it upon seeing Starrick and greeted him formally. You sat across from Starrick and waited for either of the two men to speak first.

"I want to bring you into the templar order." Starrick said and you pretended to be confused, "We will see the success of London. You can stand on top with me. Forget whatever friendship you have with those twins, they will only see the downfall."

You had initially planned to go along with it but it was only delaying the inevitable so you stood up, "No. You will see the downfall of London with your gang attacking people on the streets, forcing children to work in your factories..." You could have gone on but you enjoyed seeing the smile on Starricks face drop.

Starrick stood up but faced Mr. Halls, "Take her to the dock. Draw out the boy. He'll come to her aid. Then kill him. See to it Miss Swinebourne gets the job done. Come to my home once you've dropped her off."

You scoffed, "Thanks to you, Jacob would see me dead."

"If that's how it will play out then so be it." Starrick did not seem phased at all, "Good day, Mr. Halls."

Starrick left out of the front door and you could hear your mothers protests. Two blighters then entered the room and took you down. You didn't fight this. You let them drag you outside to a carriage.

The carriage set off almost immediately. You saw your mother fighting with Mr. Halls on the doorstep. She had no idea what was going on. 

Your hands were restrained on the carriage ride there. The carriage eventually stopped by the Thames and you were pulled out onto on of their boats. You were sat on a chair alone in one of the tiny storage rooms. Your hands were tied to the chair.

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