Chapter 15 -

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Chapter 15 -

Around a week had gone by and Jacob couldn't seem to get enough of you. And you, in truth, couldn't get enough of him. Every night was spent in bed with him and you couldn't be more satisfied.

You rolled over to face the man who was idly playing with your hair.

"What...?" He asked, "You look like you're annoyed, love."

"You aren't helping, you know." You began and the man frowned, "I am meant to be resting, not picking up more extra curricular activities."

Jacob laughed, "I don't know what you mean, love." He grinned, "I am helping plenty. You haven't left the bed in a week now." He said and kissed your shoulder. You blushed and rolled back over to face away from him, "Don't be going all shy on me now. You weren't shy when you were digging your nails into my back and screaming my name."

"Do you need me to stroke your ego some more?" You joked.

"No. I'd prefer you stroked something else."


The man laughed and wrapped his arms around you. He rested his head on top of yours and the pair of you remained still, just cuddling and listening to the outside ambience.

"This looks rather cosy..."

Jacob sat up quickly, prepared to defend, but he laid back down upon seeing who the voice belonged to. He grumbled under his breath and made sure you were properly covered up. 

"Is there something I can do for you, Ned?" Jacob asked.

"I need the blighters out of the City of London." Ned began and kept glancing at you, "They're wrecking my business on the rails."

"We are not machines." Jacob reminded him, "We have already secured three boroughs. It takes a lot of time. There aren't many left in the city of London, what's the rush all of a sudden?"

"Time you could've spent clearing them out but instead you're here with the beauty." Ned leaned against the train wall, "Can't say I blame you." He paused and gave you a half smile, "But... they seem to be more aggressive as of late. I can't get anything done."

Jacob sat up once more with a sigh, "I'll see to it today." He told Ned and the businessman nodded and left the carriage. Jacob leaned down and kissed your temple, "The politicians gathering is tomorrow. Do you reckon we'll get much done?"

"We...?" You repeated with a hopeful look in your eyes as you sat up to look at the man.

Jacob laughed, "Yes, we." He confirmed.

You grinned, excited to get back out there, "Depends what we have left to do..."

"Well, there's a bounty hunt for Freddie... I think Maude Foster if I recall. Unless Evie took care of her, of course. Then a templar hunt, Eveline Dipper."

"Is that all?"

"Yes." Jacob nodded, "I don't see what all the fuss is about."


You had finished taking care of the final two tasks in the borough. It went rather quickly but that was only because Jacob insisted on doing most of the work. He was concerned for your safety. It panicked him when you defied him and went and took care of a few blighters on your own whilst he was taking care of others. He hated feeling like this. He wanted to trust you more but there was always a nagging feeling in the back of his mind that you'll be overpowered somehow and you'll face your end. He didn't want that. Not at all.

You were about to head to the Whitechapel stronghold for the first time in a week when they was a commotion approaching down the street. Jacob obviously was curious as to what the fuss was about.

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