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(It's the next morning in the great hall)

We all were eating breakfast. I sat next to Draco as usual. Across from Blaise and Danny. Pansy was sitting next to me. We were kinda friends but not really.

"Hey your y/n right?" A talk Hufflepuff boy asked
"Yes?" I say turning my full attention to him
"Well I'm Cedric Diggory, I'm in 5th year"
"Hello Cedric? I'm Y/n" I say standing up and shaking hands
"Well, I know we don't know another but maybe, just maybe you would want to go to Hogsmade with me?"

Once he finished his sentence everyone turned around to look at him. They were surprised, not that anyone would not want to go out with her, just she's a Riddle and his a hufflepuff.

I don't know how people were looking but lots of people went quite.

"I'm sorry, I should've not asked" he said scratching the back of his neck.
"No, No, No, it's not that I'm just surprised!" I say laughing a little.

I was blushing a lot, at the awkwardness.

"So it's that a yes?" He said still with hope
"And that would a be a yes!" I said happily
"Great I will pick you up at 10 am this Saturday!" He said smiling and walking away.

I sat down with the biggest smile on my face. Blaise and Danny started clapping for me.

I looked in my lap blushing like crazy, I looked up at Draco to that looked hurt like if you smashed his heart. He gave me a little smile, and left the great hall.

But lots of eyes were on you. You thought a Hufflepuff asking out me! A Riddle! Maybe he does not know who I am? But I'm just going's to let it stick that way.

For the rest of the day you were the happiest you could ever be. But the only thing was that Draco was staying a distance from you.

(Saturday morning)

You sprung out of bed, with the biggest smile on your face. You looked over at the clock seeing that it was 7:38 am. You ran to the boys dorms. You knocked on the door hoping Draco hasn't left yet.

"OH MY GOD WHOS KNOCKING THIS-" Draco shouted and stoping when he sees me.

"Oh, hey" Draco said
"Hey I need your help!"
"And when your Best Friend help you with" he said with a smirk.
"I need your help picking out an outfit for my date with Cedric!"
"Oh ok, ok let me just get dressed" he said shutting the door
"Nope" I said grabbing his arm and dragging him to my room.

"Ok so I was thinking about jeans and a cute shirt!" I saw opening my closet
"Geez it's cold in here!"
"I like the cold" I reply
"Your werid"
"I know" I said laughing
"What about this shirt?" He says grabbing a green sweater

(This is what it looks like)

"Oooo yeah I haven't wore this yet" I said putting it against me"And these pants" he says grabbing some black ripped jeans

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"Oooo yeah I haven't wore this yet" I said putting it against me
"And these pants" he says grabbing some black ripped jeans

(You guys are wearing a black jacket cause it it December) "Ok, and I will just leave my hair down""Sounds good to me" he says walking out of the closet

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(You guys are wearing a black jacket cause it it December)
"Ok, and I will just leave my hair down"
"Sounds good to me" he says walking out of the closet.

He walks over to the bed and jumps on it laying on his belly.

"Are you going to sleep Mr. Mafloy?" I saw getting out some makeup
"No I want to see what my outfit looks like"
"Yours? I thought I was going to were it!" I say laying next to him
"Well yes it's yours, I can't fit that even if I wanted to, but I chose the outfit didn't I" he said smirking
"Yes you did" I say walking into the bathroom and shutting the door behide me.

(Five minutes later)
"Geez what's taking you so long!!"
"Hold on, hold on!" I say walking out of the bathroom

He was sitting at my desk doodling on paper.

"Wow-wow y/n you look" Draco said with wide eyes
"I know, I know, I don't thinks hes going to like it" I say pulling up a chair

"No, No Y/n you look really pretty" he says smiling
"Thank you, and that's the first time I saw not smirk after saying something" I say laughing.

It was around 9:23.

"Well I have to go and get dressed if I don't see before your date have a... Ok time" he says getting up and kissing my forehead.

"Yes Mr. Mafloy I will have any OK time" I say laughing

(You are waiting for Cedric)
You are waiting for Cedric outside of the Common room. It was 10:32, he was 30 minutes late.

A couple of minutes later you hear the common room door open and to see a blonde boy and three boys beside him.

"Oh hey Y/n what are you doing here, aren't you on your date with Cedric?" He said Rubbing your back
"He just late" I say realizing that he probably stood me up

"And let's be honest, who would want to go on a date with a Riddle, The dark lords daughter." I say starting to tear up
"Oh Y/n don't-"
"Oh my god Y/n I'm so sorry I'm late I woke late!" Cedric said running up to and interrupting Draco

"Oh hey Cedric, it's ok, I thought you stood me up for a second" I said with a little laugh
"Oh ok, well are you ready?"
"Ok let's go and have some fun" he said reaching for my hand

I take his hand and look back at Draco who looks really hurt.

(Three hours later)

We went to butter beers, we went to candy shops, we walked around. It was SO fun. I really liked Cedric.

"Oh I'm so sorry but I have to go, I have quidditch practice" he said going in front of me and taking my hands

"It's ok, but I did really have fun tho!" I say smiling
"I'm glad you did, we should really do this again sometime" he said
"That sounds great!" I said

He kissed my cheek, and started to walk away

"So" I heard a voice from be-hide me

I turned around to see Draco leaning against the wall smirking.

"We're you stalking me?" I say laughing
"No, I just happen to be here with you" he said coming my way.

"Hey Y/n" the three boys come from the back of me
"Hello boys" I said
"We're you stalking me to?" I say crossing my arms smirking
"Your so like Draco, all you guys do is smirk, your made for another, if you guys ever got together, you ship name would be the smirkers" Danny said laughing with Crabe and Goyale.

"I-I" We stuttered
"Look none of you declined it!" Danny shouted again wheezing so he's down to his knees
"We're just friends Danny" I said instant regretting what I said

Because I did have a little crush on him, but not to much that it would ruin our friendship.

"Yeah let's see in a couple of years, you guys will be more then 'friends'" Danny says winking at us
"Whatever let's just go" I said blushing

"Here I have a place, it's called the sherking shack" Draco said

"Oh I have heard of that place it's-"
"I don't want to hear it Goyale!" Draco shouted grabbing my hand and started to walk into the forest

The rest just shrugged and followed the both of us into the forest

Authors note:
Hehe yes Cedric came!! I know some people like Cedric but some people don't. But we all know what happens.........

I hope you liked this chapter.

And I have ran out of story's to read, do you guys have a recommended books? I would really appreciate it.

Have a great rest of your day and I hope you like this chapter!


Y/n Riddle and Draco MafloyWhere stories live. Discover now