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Let me catch you up if what has happened in the last couple of months.

1. After the party the boy who hurt me got house arrest
2. I have been excused for using unforgivable curses thanks to Mr. Mafloy
3. I have been rotating houses, between Draco, Blaise, Theo and Danny for safety.
4. Draco became a Perfect
5. Were at 9 3/4

I had all my stuff in my trunk. I was wearing black jeans with a dark green sweater. I still had a mark around my neck from the party. Draco's hands were also still bruised.

Draco gots in lots of trouble for beating up the boy because his father is in charge of the Ministry.

But Draco didn't really care. Draco wouldn't leave me alone. It was kinda when I did not leave Draco's side after my vision.

We were walking there the train looking for the boys. He hand was the lower back, kinda guiding me.

"Hello Martin, Trevor" I nod as we walk by them
"Oh, hello Y/n!" Martin squeals

He hugs me making me stumble back.
"I thought you wouldn't really remember me, cause you were very drunk" I laugh
"Well, thanks to Trevor, he made me remember everything" he kisses his cheek

"Well that's good-"
"Sorry to interrupt, but we have to go" Draco says pushing me forward
"Bye!" I wave

We finally find Blaise and the others. We sit down, and I greet them with a smile.

"Hey" I say
"Hello!" Danny smiles
"Hey" Blaise smirks
"Hi" Theo says

"Excited for a new year?" I ask
"Let's just hope this year is normal" Blaise laughs
"Yeah just no dead ex-boyfriends this year" Pansy says sitting in between Theo and Danny

My smile turns into a a straight line.
"And who said you could sit here?" I ask
"Well I hope you don't mind, I mean there is no other seats left" She smiles
"Isn't there some left next to the first years?" I ask
"I don't know, and I would why I want to sit with them?" She asks

"Never mind, I had enough things go on this summer" I sigh

"Anyways, did you hear were getting a new teacher this year?" I say
"Yeah, I heard she's from the Ministry" Theo says
"Yeah, but I wonder who?" Draco asks
"I heard there here to keep an eye out for Potter and, well you Y/n" Pansy says
"Oh great" I roll my eyes
"Well, they probably don't want Potter starting something up" Draco's says
"I agree, but we don't want You know who back" Danny says

I look at Danny with a surprised look. I was just surprised he said that in front of me.

"You really said that in front of me?" I laugh
"I mean, you probably don't want to die" he says
"I don't, but I don't know what I want" I lie
"Well everyone has a side for this Y/n" Pansy says

I look at her raising my brows.
"Maybe I do have a side, but I don't just want to tell you" I say slowly and Pansy gulps

"But I guess, your taking your fathers side" Pansy says 
"And now why would I tell you that, I'm not the stupid like other people" I say glaring at her

"But May I ask" Pansy asks and I roll my eyes
"Is is true, that your father was in the maze, and killed Cedric?" She asks

"I don't have to say anything to you" I snap
"Oh, come on, we all are going to find out soon" she says
"Then I guess you will find out then!" I shout
"Y/n" Draco says in a warning tone

"Whatever" I roll my eyes

I stand up and slam the door closed and start walking around the train. As I'm looking for an empty room just for me I see one red head, a boy with glasses and a girl with her nose in a book.

Y/n Riddle and Draco MafloyWhere stories live. Discover now