Year Two -11-

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I woke up feeling my eyes about to glue shut. I could not sleep so well because I was to excited for my second year of Hogwarts!

I looked over to my clock and it read 7:38. I swung my feet over the bed and walked over to my closet.

When I open the closet I grab some sweat pants, and a big slytherin sweat shirt. I take a shower and brush my hair and teeth. I put on my outfit and run down stairs.

I see that there is a bagels and some cream cheese Awww on the table.
I took the plate and cream cheese and threw it out the window. Good I did not have to clean it up!

(A couple of hours later)

After shopping at Dugan Alley I started to walk to train station. I stepped on the train and looked for a blonde haired Boy. I finally say a head with Blonde hair.

You can also tell because of ALL THE HAIR GELL!
I started to walk faster and faster to catch up to the blonde.

I saw him go into a carment with two other boys.
I walk in the same one as they did. I slide open the door and saw a big smile across Dracos face.

"Y/n!" He said with lots of happinesses in his voice. He sat up and hugged me and almost like I could not breathe.

He pulled back and realized what he did. He started to blush, and sit back down. I sit next to him with the biggest smile on my face.

To be honest I was smiling like a big idiot.
"So Draco looks like you didn't keep your word on visiting me." You said while nudging him in the arm.

"Sorry but I did write" he said trying to sound sorry.
"Nah it's ok at Least we have a whole year together right?"
"Right" he said with a smile.

I moved my hand next to his and linked fingers
(By the way that's your thing you do) You grab your book off the table and start to read to make time pass.

A while later you here snickers from Crabe and Goyale. You look up fast and give the a stare.

I see that they saw that me and Draco are holding hands. I move my hand from his. After a couple of minutes I see that everyone is looking out the window.

I take Dracos hand from his lap and link fingers.
I smile and keep on reading until we arrive to our second year of Hogwarts.

Authors note:
Hey guys! We got 700+ reads! Thank you guys so much!!! But there's one thing. I am started to go to the school building and I have no idea what it will be like. I will try to post as much as I can. I will make lots of drafts and try to post them!
Thank you guys for all the reads and votes and love!
Have a great day and hope you like this chapter!

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