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(Still Draco's POV)

"Hermione, are you sure this is going to work?" I ask

"It will, I promise" She smiles and walks over to Ron

"Please work"

-Your POV-

The amount people, I have hurt, I can't even remember anymore.

It felt good, all this power running threw my veins, but something was pulling me back.

"Please don't do this"

I figured out the voice in my head, it was me. Soft, nice, but that's not me anymore.

I walk to my father and hand him the crown.

"Where's Mattheo?" He asks and I close my eyes

"Hermione are you sure this is going to work?" Draco's asks

"It will, I promise" She smiles and walks over to Ron.

Draco looks over to see Mattheo talking to Harry.

"He parted with Harry, he's not with us anymore" And he nods

"If you see him, kill him, and what about Draco?"

"Same, he also parted with Harry" I say

"Same with him, see him, you kill him" He says

I nod without any hesitation.


"Harry? No Harry! No!" Hagrid yells and I point my wand towards him and he stops

"Harry Potter? Come to die?" My father asks and chuckles

"Avada Kedavra!" My father shouts and a huge green lights shines

It was done, Harry Potter was dead.

Hagrid carries him towards the front of the school, and I see everyone starting at him.

"Harry Potter is dead!" My father shouts and everybody laughs "From now on, you put your faith in me"

I look at Draco, he frowns at me.

I feel this heart ache, and I feel normal.

Like every part of dark magic is gone.

I turn to Hagrid getting his attention.

"He isn't dead Hagrid" I speak in his mind

He looks at me weirdly and then looks down at Harry who's breathing.

I look over to see Neville pull out the griffindor sword.

I see Harry jump out of his arms and start running, father pulls out his wand and points it to Harry.

"No!" I shout and step in front of him as Harry runs in the castle "If your going to kill him, your going to go threw me!" I point my wand at him

"No!" Draco yells

"What happened to being a team?" He asks

"It was never a team, it was your choices, never mine" I respond

"Avada Kedavra!" He shouts

"Expellirmus!" I shout and a huge glowing orb forms between us.

I look down at my wand to see it cracking.

"Y/n, I need to tell you something" Draco says "I like you! And I have for a long time!" She shouts over the rain

"I-I-" Is stutter

Y/n Riddle and Draco MafloyWhere stories live. Discover now