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Until I felt warm and soft lips on mine.

After a minute or two, I pulled away. We just looked at another in total surprise. He looked in my eyes then my lips then my eyes again.

"Y/n? Is that you?" I heard a voice
"Oh is that the blondey she hangs out with?" Another voice said

"Oh shoot" I whispered

I got up fast and saw Cedric, Anthony, Adam, and Emily

"Hey guys!" I say blushing
"Hey bubs- why is he on the ground?" Cedric said
"Oh we pranked some people and we ran and he tripped" I lied

I looked be hide me to see Draco standing up blushing. We just looked at another awkwardly.

"You guys look like you guys kissed!" Emily said laughing with Anthony and Adam.

"Yeah hahaha" I say
"I'll see you around Y/n" Draco said walking away fast
"Draco wait!" I yell
"Did you guys kiss?" Cedric asked

I look at him, I really liked Cedric but I also like Draco. But I couldn't lie to him.

"Yes, but it didn't mean anything" I blurt out

Draco turns around, he looks at me heart shattered.

I Was about to go after him but Emily stopped me and told me something that Anthony and Adam did.

Cedric looked at me so hurt. I look at Emily and then Cedric, again, and again.

"Well Riddle we were going back do you want to walk with us or  Blondey?" Adam asked
"I need to find Draco" I say running towards the direction he was in.

But he was no where to be found.

(Back at Hogwarts)

"See you guys later!" I yell to the group of Hufflepuffs.

I walk into the common room to see Draco sitting alone on the couch.

"Hey" I say walking towards the couch
"Hi" he says
"I wanted to say-"
"You don't need to say anything Riddle" he said
"Did it really mean nothing to you?" He says tears filling his eyes
" Yes of course Draco! It meant everything to me" I say tears almost leaving my eyes.
"Then. Why. Did. You. Say. That. It meant nothing" he standing up face to face to me.

"I really like Cedric Draco, and I couldn't hurt him like-"
"You would rather not hurt him, then me?"
"Draco, I would choose you my best friend over any of my friends" I say grabbing his hands
"So that's it. I'm just your friend?" He said Turing angered and letting go of my hands
"No that's not what I meant!" I say tears coming down my face

"Go cry to your boyfriend, you would rather have him then me" he said sitting down on the couch.
"Fine I will!" I scream and walk out of the common room.

"I bet once he finds out who you really are! And that your a Riddle! He will leave you for someone else!" He shouts

I turn around to see him Grinning at my reaction. He knew I was sensitive about that.

"There I won't be needing that!" I say taking my glove off and throwing the ring off he gave me.

"You just lost your only true friend" I say

I storm out of the common room going to find Cedric. I hear Draco chasing after me, shouting my name.

"Y/n!" He says grabbing my wrist
"Get off of me!" I shout grabbing everyone's attention to us

"I didn't mean it, like that" he says
"Of course you'd didn't because your afraid of losing the ONLY person that's loved you!" I shout

"You don't feel loved at all! When you see other people having fun, you use that angry and blame it on them!" I say

"Your just a daddy's boy, with daddy issues" I say smirking

Everyone around us went shocked. Mouths dropped, eyes winded. Whispers going everywhere.

I wipe my hand out of his grip.

"You don't mean that" he said a tear dropping down his face.

"I don't regret anything" I say wiping the tear off of his face
"See you around Daddy issues!" I shout as everyone laughs.

(Two weeks later)

I still talk to Danny and Blaise. They all really like my Hufflepuff friends. We all started to hang out as a group.

Draco had no friends sense Danny and Blaise were with me. Yes he had Crabe and Goyale, and Pansy.

He look missable. I didn't really feel bad. But at the same time I did. I knew he didn't really like his father. I knew his was sensitive about it. But I don't care he hurt me so I hurt him back.

Me and Cedric made up. He understood it meant something to me, but he knew I liked him more then Draco.

(In class)

"Today we will be doing partners" the teacher said
"And I will be giving you a partner!" They shouted

"Oh come on!"

They class groaned.

"Ms.Riddle with Mr.Mafloy!"

My head shot up and looked at the teacher with wide eyes.

"Ooo this is going to be fun to watch"

Some people said.

"You have to be kidding me!" I shouted and sank in my chair.

The teacher gave everyone partners. But there was one person left.


"Oh looks like Mr, Diggory had no partner, work with those two!" The teacher point at me.

My heart sank, and I feel like this was going to be bad.

There were whispers everywhere. Everyone heard or saw the fight happen.

Draco and Cedric walked over to my desk.

I sat in the middle of them two, probably not and the best choice. So they wouldn't beat another up. But not the best cause of Draco.

"I will get read the book while you two can do the potion" Cedric said
'Please no' I gave Cedric a look

"Fine" I roll my eyes

This is going, to be just great.

Authors Note:

Hey guys thank you 11k+ reads! And I don't know if I said thank for 300+ votes but if I didn't thank you!

And Ooo are you guys excited for what going to happen? I sure am!

I will try to post later or tomorrow. And thank you for the follower I Relly do appreciate it!

And sense we got 10k reads I decide to make a tiktok account for the book. I will post stuff about the book. Do short imagines of Draco or any other characters you want.

The account is....

It wouldn't let me put a zero instead of a O so...

(This is the profile picture btw)

(This is the profile picture btw)

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Y/n Riddle and Draco MafloyWhere stories live. Discover now