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There is a lot of times skips in this chapter just for a warning

Me, Danny, Blaise, Theo, Draco, and Daphne were all sitting in the common room reading, doing our homework, or listening to the common room music.

I was reading and doing my homework. I was sitting next to the fire, Draco, Daphane, Danny and Theo were siting on the couches. While Blaise was sitting next to me.

"Riddle" Someone called my name
"Someone's at the door for you!" They said

I look over at the door to see Harry waving at me.
"Oh god" I say getting up and walking to him

"Yes Harry?" I say stepping out of the dungeons.
"You know the perfect bathroom right?" He asked
"Yes why?" I laugh at his question
"Maybe you should take a bath, and maybe wash you egg while you at it" he says
"That's rude to say to a girl!" I snap
"It's a clue" he rolls his eyes laughing
"Oh ok" I laugh awkwardly
"Sorry if that sounded offending" he laughs awkwardly
"See you later" I leave the awkward situation

I walk back to my spot and pick up my book and think for a second.

"What did Potter want?" Draco asks
"It was a clue" I reply
"A clue of?" He asks
"Of the egg" I say getting up and leaving for my dorm

As I'm getting towal from the bathroom I hear someone open the door.

"What's the clue" Draco asks
"Take a bath, and wash the egg" I say grabbing my bathe suit
"Why a bath" he laughs
"It must have something to do with water?" I question
"Anyways can I ask you a question?" He ask
"Can it wait?" I ask
"Ok thanks Draco, you can ask me at diner" I kiss his cheek and leave.

I run down the the perfects bathroom and change into my black suit.

I turn on the water and lock the door. I sit in the bath and grab the egg. Once I turn around I hear giggles.

I turn around to see no one. I turn forward to see a girl.

"How did you get in!" I shout
"I always been here" she smirks
"I recognize you" she giggles
"How, I've never seen you" I say
"Do you remember going down to the chamber" she asks

"Yes?" I say
"I was there watching and waiting for Harry" She giggles
"Oh ok, leave please" I ask
"Why should I?" She asks
"Cause I need to do stuff!" I snap
"You know what the Hufflepuff did?" She giggles
"I don't-"
"He put the egg in the water and some nice music played" she giggled
"Very Handsome boy" he adds
"Mhm" I say

I take one big breath and go under water. I open the egg and it sings a song.

I come back for air. I smile and change back into my robes and head for the great hall. I the next task was the black lake.

As I sit next to Theo and Danny, I hear Daphne complaining.

"What did I miss?" I ask
"Daphnes mad" Theo rolls his eyes
"And why is this?" I ask grabbing chicken
"Because her dream boy asked someone else" Danny asks
"Why not me!" She pouts
"At least you don't have to sit next to her" Draco and Blaise Complain
"Anyways Who are you guys asking, or who do you want to go with?" I smirk
"Well I want to go with this one girl" Blaise smiles
"Oooooo" Me, Theo, Danny, Draco sing
"There is this one girl" he repeats
"Do we know this girl" Theo smirks
"No" He says
"Oh my god!" Draco says
"Yep" Blaise Blushed

"Wait you know!" Me and Theo ask Draco
"Yes, he wouldn't stop talking about her for the last two years!" Draco teases
"Oooo" Me and Theo sing
"Itslunalovegood" He mumbles
"Who?" We all ask
"Luna Lovegood!" He says quickly
"Are you going to ask her?" Danny asks
"Yes, tomorrow. We're going to do our positions Homework together"
"Awwww" We all say

Y/n Riddle and Draco MafloyWhere stories live. Discover now