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Next thing I know, I looking into those grey eyes I love so bloody much.

"Y/n?" Draco asks
"Draco, oh my god!" I run over to him and hug him

"What happened to you! Why is your lip bleeding! Why do you have dirt all over your face!" He says pulling back

So my questions flood out of his mouth. But my ears drain out all of them.

"I killed two of my friends" I say

He immediately stops, with his lips slightly parted. His eyes searching my eyes hoping for all this to be a joke. He starts shaking his head and hugs me.

"Please, for the love of god. Tell me your lying" he mumbled against my hair.
"They tried to kill me Draco. I was thinking I would never see you again" I say

He hugs me tighter.

"Who were they?" Draco asked
"Anthony and Adam" I say
"Cedrics friends?" Draco pulls out of hug

"Yeah" I say

He just stares at me for a second.
"Your staying here" he says picking me up and walking

"Who said it was your decision, I'm not complaining-"
"Then why are you talking?" he says dropping me on his bed
"What are you doing?" I ask sitting up
"Getting you clean clothes, your dirty" He said stepping into his walk in closet

"But what if I like my clothes" I cross my arms as he steps out looking at me
"I guess you don't want them then" He says shrugging his shoulders

He walks in his closet and I stand up and bolt into then closet.

"I'm only teasing you geez" I say grabbing the clothes out of his hands and walking into the bathroom.

I change out of my shirt and sweat pants and change into another shirt and sweat pants.

(3 hours later)

"So" Draco said walking back into the library
"Did you get it all sorted out?" I ask sitting up
"Yes, my father is going to talk to the ministry about it, don't worry you won't go to akazban" he says sitting next to me

"So I'm guessing your father told you?" I ask
"Yeah, he told me a couple of days ago" he said
"How did you feel?" I say
"I felt sick, I didn't really feel that good about it" he reply's
"Nothing against you, it's just, well you know, scary I guess" he adds looking at me
"I know, it was a little scary seeing him at first" I say

"How did it even happen?" He asks rubbing my hand
"Well, when we first got there, Petter Prewgrew was there" I start
"He got a bone of a grave, the. Harry's blood, then it just happened, he came back" I say
"Was it scary?" He asks and I nod

"It's not going to be the same is it?" He asks
"No, everything's going to change" I say and he just nods

I could tell he was scared of what's going to to happen. I couldn't blame him. Who knows what's going to happen this year and next year.

Nothing, is going to be the same.

(June 5th, morning)

I wake up to feel someone's arms around me. I smile and stretch my legs. I turn over to see Draco already looking at me smiling.

"How does it feel to be 15?" I ask
"I feel the same, but I feel excited!" His smile grows more

"Ok, what are we waiting for let's get the birthday boy some breakfast!" I say getting out of bed

He gets up and about to grab he suit but I grab his arm and drag him to the kitchen.

"Ok, so last night I checked the whole kitchen to make sure we have many foods to chose from" I say going to the fridge

Y/n Riddle and Draco MafloyWhere stories live. Discover now