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"Blaise!" I shout running into the common room
"Blaise!" Theodore shouts running in after me
"You will never believed what happened!" I smile
"We finally fixed the cabinet and it works!" Theodore finish's and Blaise looks at us with a smile

"I told you you could do it" He pats me back
"Now all we have left is" I start
"To kill Dumbledore" Blaise finish's and I nod

"I think I have do it face to face and kill him" I say looking at Blaise then Theodore
"Nothing worked, so I have to" I say

"When?" Theo asks
"When school is almost over, I'll do it. We need to know as much as we can before the war starts" I mumble
"He has a point" Blaise says

"I always have a point" I smirk

-Hermione's POV-

"Of course he would think that" Draco crosses his arms
"I know you aren't a death eater Draco, I just know it" I say

He looks guilty and looks at me.
"Thanks Hermione" He says and I nod
"Your welcome" I reply

I look at his arms, there always covered. But why?

"Aren't you hot?" I ask and he shakes his head no

He was wearing black slacks, and dark green turtle neck. Me on the other hand was wearing jeans and a pink t-shirt.

"No, why?" He asks chuckling
"Well, the fire is blazing hot, and your face is red" I chuckle
"I'm fine Granger" He says looking back at the fire

"Whatever you say" I say looking back at the paper

-June 3rd Draco's POV-


Pain was all I felt. Tears steaming down my face as blood came out of my chest.

I see Potter (Or Pottah) walking towards me. I feel someone kneel next to me and mumble a spell and my chest feels some what better.


I wake up to see Blaise and Theodore by my bedside table.

"Good afternoon mate" Blaise greets

I turn my head towards them and see Theodore holding a glass of water in front of me.

I sit up and take a sip.

"How long have I been out?" I ask
"Two weeks, Potter hit your hard" Blaise says voice feel of pity
"Damn it, I need to get to the
cabinet-" I try to stand but pain shoots threw my body and I lay back down

"We need to talk about something Draco" Theodore looks at Blaise worriedly
"What? Did something happen to the cabinet!" I ask getting worried
"No, no, the cabinet is just ok, just look at the paper" Blaise hands me a paper

I glance at them and the look at the paper.

Y/n Riddle Escapes Azkaban!

"Y-Y/n? Escaped Azkaban?!" I stutter and they nod

-Y/n's POV-

(This is is 3 days earlier)

"Did you hear that?" I hear Mattheo stand up and press his face against the bars to get a better look

"What was that?" I ask standing up and we hear a big explosion.

I see a women and big black hair.

"Bellatrix, Bellatrix Lestrange" I say
"Come on darlings" I hear her crackle with laughter as our bars melt into a liquid

Y/n Riddle and Draco MafloyWhere stories live. Discover now