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-Y/n's POV-

It has two mouths sense the trip to Pairs. I was at the front door of Cedrics house. It was a tiny little house in the middle of the woods. There was a white fence going around the front of the house. I opened the gate to see a stone path going to the front of the house.

I walked on the stone path surrounded by flowers. I saw three boys at the window. The all had huge smiles on there face.

I smiled back and walked up to the door to see Cedric. Who's grown lots.

"Bubs!" He said picking me up and twirling me around in the air.
"Hey Ced!" I giggle
"Hey!!!" Emily sings as she hugs me
"Hello Emily!" I shout

I said hello to everyone. I was sitting at the table eating diner.

"Oh dad, I want you to meet my girl..." he paused
I looked up at him, with everyone else.

Everyone was getting ready to shout and get there gallons out.

"My girl..." he paused again
"Hello I'm Y/n!" I say smiling

"Hello there y/n, I'm Cedrics father" he said sitting down.
"Well boys and girls, after diner all of you should go to bed. We have to get up early for the game tomorrow" His father said

'Okay', 'kk' or they  just  nodded.

After diner I was sitting outside in the garden on the bench. I had a rose in my hand. I picking of the Petels.

"He likes me" I say picking one off
"He doesn't" I say picking another off
"His girlfriend" I say picking another
"His friend" o say throwing the flower

"His friend, I thought you liked me!" Cedric said acting offend
"Oh hey" I say while he sits down

"We need to talk." He said

Oh god. When people say that, it does not mean something good. Oh god, he hates me!

"Why did you not tell me your last name?" He asked
"What do you mean?" I laugh
"You never told me your last name" he said
"Oh I-"
"It's Riddle, I'm I wrong?" He asked
"Yes" I say putting my head down

"Why didn't you tell me?" He asked
"If I did tell you, you might of not liked me anymore" I said looking back at him

"And where did you get that idea?" He asked
"I don't know?" I laugh
"Well I don't care about you being a Riddle and I wanted to ask" he said pulling a box out of his pocket

"I wanted you to be my girlfriend" he handed me a box
"Wait really?" I say
"Mhm" his smile grows more
"Yes!" I say kissing him

"Open the box" he says pulling away

I open the box to see a ring with two gems on it. One green and one yellow. For Slytherin and Hufflepuff.

On both side of the ring was our names next to our color gems.

"Awww Ced you don't have to" I said kissing his cheek
"Nah I wanted to" he said kissing my cheek
"Thanks, it means a lot to me" I said kissing him

"Even tho I want to stay out here with you,We should probably go to bed" he said rubbing my hand
"Ok" I say sliding on the ring next to Draco's ring.

"You can sleep in my room if you want, it's better then in a sleeping bag" he laughs
"Ok sounds good"

We both got into our pjs, and laid down. He started to fall asleep. The moon light was shining three the windows. I look up at my hand to see Draco's ring.

I told him I liked him. I kissed him, made out with him. But I really like Cedric. I don't know. Maybe I should of told him I had to think about it. I wasn't second thinking about it our relationship.

Maybe. But I'm with Cedric, and I think I love him.
And I think he loves me back.

After a while of thinking I turn over and see Cedric sleeping peacefully. Why would he want to be with someone like me? I don't know why, but I will have to think about it tomorrow. I need to get to bed. I snuggle into Cedrics chest and fall asleep

Y/n Riddle and Draco MafloyWhere stories live. Discover now