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"So why did you ask me to come here?" I ask
"Well I wanted to talk about your vision, and how you have been day dreaming about me" he tease
"Oh shut it" I say pushing his shoulder

We both were sitting on the couches.

"What do you see when it happens?" He asks
"Well, I told you one of them. I saw another one with someone that looks like you. Maybe not. It was a blonde boy in the great hall with the glass breaking and going all over the place."
"Oh" he says

I didn't want to tell him the other ones. I didn't want to weird him out.

"Any others?" He asks


"Yeah, but I don't remember them" I lie
"Oh ok, but if they happen again tell me, ok?"
"Yes Mr,Mafloy I will" I pinching his cheek and resting my head on his shoulder

(Two weeks later)

I have no more visions. I have been spending more time with Cedric and his friends. The all were very nice to me. I started to wish I was friends with before third year.

There was Micheal, Jackson, Jake, Anthony. Those four were on the team with Cedric.

Then there was, Avery, Emily, Adam. They weren't on the team but they were all friends.

Cedric, Anthony, Jackson, Avery were in there 5th year.
Jake, Emily were in there 4th year
And Micheal Adam were in my year.

I walk in the great hall holding hands with Cedric.

"Well I'm going to sit with the boys, see ya later?" I say

"Of course!" He says kissing my cheek

"Hello boys!" I say messing up Dracos hair
"Hey!" He shouts
"Geez sorry" I say

I look over at Blaise that trying to hold his laughter.

"So how's Ceddy!" Danny and Blaise sing
"We're good, more then good" I say
"Well that's good!" Danny says
"Yeah I'm really happy" I smile

"Hello are you Y/n?" I hear someone say
"Hmm?" I look around to see a little girl
"Hi!" She says
"Hello? What's your name?" I say trying to act nice because I have no clue what's happening.

"I'm Elly Diggory!" She says
"Are you Cedrics little sister-"
"Elly I told you not to run off!" I hear

I look up to see Cedric.

"Oh hey bubs" he says
"Hey Ced, is this your sister?" I ask
"Oh yeah she's a first year that just transferred"

"From where?" I hear Draco ask
"An all girls school!" She seems really happy
"I'm Elly Diggory, nice to-"
"Elly let's go, let's go eat" Cedric cuts off Elly.

"That was rude!" Draco spats
"Yeah kinda was" I agree
"Bubs?" Blaise asks
"Oh yeah he calls me that" I say
"Oh" I hear Draco say

"I can't believe him!" I hear Hermione shout while walking into the great Hall
"Y/n! Control you boyfriend!" Hermione shouts
"Cedric? We're not dating" I reassure her
"Yet" Danny teases
"No not him!" Harry says confused

"Draco!" Ron spats
"We're not-"
"Draco your so full of your self!" Harry shouts
"What did I do!" Draco shouts but blushing hard

"Y/n, control your boyfriend" Hermione says walking away

"What did you do Draco?" I glare at him
He just shrugs but blushing hard.

"Are you sure?" I ask
"I don't know!" He says blushing even more hard but giggling like a little girl

"Ok Blaise, Danny make sure he doesn't blush to much that he face gets stained" I say
"And I'll be back boys, good bye cutie" I say winking at Draco that making his blush so hard it might be a new record.

"Draco's not my boyfriend, and what happened" I ask the trio.

"Find out from him!" Harry shouts
"Woah Harry, no need for the harshness" I say walking back

"Guys! You didn't help him! He's stained!" I say pinching his cheek
"We tried but he won't stop"
"If I get butter beer with you right now will you stop?" I ask

He nodded so while it was like fast as light.

(At brogin and Burke's)

"So" I say
"So" he repeats

I was wearing black pants, with a dark green turtle neck.
He was wearing black dress pants with a black turtle neck.

"So, I was thinking we can mess with some people" I say smirking
"And how?" He said mirroring my smirk

I lift a bag with a big W on it.
"I have some friends that have friends that have things." I say scootering closer and putting the bag under the table so he can look inside

"What first?" He says his smirk growing wider

We were standing be-hide a piler. We were leaning so we could see it all happen. I below him and he was on top, holding benocklers to get a better sight.

"Here look" he says giving me the benocklers
"Ooo there so close!" I squeal
"Hey kids I got a deal-"


All over the place was orange powder

We couldn't stop laughing, I almost fell to the ground but luckily Draco caught me.

"Hey you!" The man shouted at us
"Oh shoot! Run!" I say grabbing Draco's hand and running into the forest.

"Oop!" I saying falling.

We both fall into another. Draco was on the snow, and luckily I fell on him so I wouldn't be in the snow.

"Oh god that was awesome!" I said
"Yeah, it was" he said as we lean closer and closer until....

Authors note:
Oooooo cliffhanger! What do you think will happen!
Happy Friday! Or any day that it is! It's Friday for me.

I will try to post later!

And thank you 300 votes!!


Y/n Riddle and Draco MafloyWhere stories live. Discover now