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Thank you for 50k and 1k votes! I'm so happy!

"Yes, my mother has the necklace cursed, and I will give it to Katie Bell and which she will give it to Dumbledore" I answer
"Draco, this is risky" Blaise says

"I know Blaise" I say

We sit at the end of the table in the great hall alone.

"I think Danny is getting suspicious." Theodore says sitting next to me and Pansy sitting next to Blaise

"Of course he is, you guys don't hang out with him anymore" Pansy says
"It's for he's own good" I mutter  putting the suit case under the table

"I think we should tell him" Blaise shakes his head
"Are you crazy!" I slam my hand on the table

People look at us and I look down.
"We can't, it's bad enough I have told the three of you" I say
"Do think Y/n knows?" Theo asks

"Knows what?" I ask glaring at him
"Well you know" He reply's
"I don't know, let me just owl her" I say rolling my eyes

"Well I wants sure if you get visions or dreams or any of that weird crap" He shrugs

"If I knew, I would've told you" I say putting my gloves on
"Where are you going?" Pansy asks

"Well, I want to get this over and done with" I pick up the suit case
"Who wants to come with me?" I ask

I look at Blaise who hesitates, and stands up.
"I'll come" He says looking up
"Blaise, are you sure?" I ask and he nods
"Your right, let's get this over with" He nods and we walk out of the great hall

-Y/n's POV-

"It seems he doesn't like talking about me" I open my eyes and look across from me at Marcus.

"The things you told me, I wouldn't want to" He chuckles
"Do you find everything funny?" I ask annoyed
"No, well, I think it's funny when your mad" He reply's

"Well what you told me works" I say changing the topic
"I told you. If you just focus and you can see anything you want" He answers

Marcus also gets visions, when he was little kid, he told me he would be brought to a different room and be taught how to control his visions.

He told me his father made him see visions when he was baby. But he couldn't stop them like Snape did to me.

He taught me he can also see the future if he chooses. He also taught me how not to knock out when I get visions.

He helps me with everything, yes he might be a pain in my ass, but he's still a good friend.

At times I will get nightmares, about people dying. Mostly about Draco. I will see him getting killed again, again, over and over. Never stopping.

-Draco's POV-

It, did not work. Katie touched the necklace and got cursed.

Now I have to find something else to kill Dumbledore. I get me journal and write down what I did wrong and write down new ideas.

"Draco, Pansy made you some weird potion for your Mark to stop burning" Blaise sits on my bed but I don't reply

"Come on, you need break. Let's go to hogsmade, and get some butter beer" Blaise says tapping my shoulder

"No, I need to find a way" I say grabbing a book and flipping the pages

"Fine. At least drink the potion" He says and I roll my eyes.

"Fine" I reply and Blaise smirks

-Harry's POV-

"Draco, don't you think he looks ill" Hermione says looking at me
"Why all of sudden are you on his side?" I ask  annoyed
"I'm not, I'm just saying." She reply's
"It's like a new Ron for you" I mumble
"You know, Draco might not be nice and all to us, and he's still a human being, with feelings" Hermione starts

"He must feel so bad not having Y/n around" She sighs
"Y/n? She's a death eater, why do you care?" I roll my eyes
"Yes, but Draco cares about her dearly. You saw those two, they never another's sides. They were peanut butter and jelly" She laughs

"I guess they were" I chuckle
"If you have jelly, you always need peanut butter" She chuckles

We both look forward to see the one and only Draco Malfoy.

He eyes were red a puffy, huge eye bags under his eyes, and pale as snow.

I see tears prickling in his eyes. He wipes his nose and walks away in other direction.

"Was Draco Malfoy crying?" I ask smirking
"Shut up Harry, he still has feelings" She slaps my arm and walks after Draco.

-Hermione's POV-

I chase after Draco to see him go in the girls bathroom from second year.

"I don't know what to do myrtle. I have no one." I hear Draco sniff
"Well, what I would do, is forget about the past like I did" Myrtle says
"How? She was my everything?" He says

I peak in to see his knees against his chest and his cheeks stained with tears.

"Well, it might be hard at first, but it will get easier" I see her try to pat his back but she goes right threw him

"She's right you know" I stand there holding my hands in front my chest
"What are you doing here?" He snaps standing up and getting his wand

I look at his wand and back at him with my hands in the air.

"What? Going to tell Potter that his swore enemy is crying to a ghost?" He asks
"No, I'm here to help you Draco" I say
"Oh really? Hermione Granger. The girl I bullied for years, coming to help me?" He chuckles

"Yes" I nod
"Your lying!" He shouts wiping his cheeks
"Draco, I had no choice to your friend. I mean yes after you called me all those things, I didn't want to be your friend. But I guess you need someone you need to talk to" I say

"I don't need pity friends Granger" He says picking up his bag and leaving but I grab his arm.

"Please, just think about it" I say
I let go of his arm and he walks out and I look at Myrtle. 

"What?" I ask
"Nothing" She giggles
"I'm trying not be a friend, nothing more" I answer and I walk out

I see Draco standing outside the court yard his back towards me.

"Fine, you can help me and be my friend" He says walking up to me
"But tell a single soul, and I will make you wish you stayed in the muggle world" He says glaring at me

"A-alright" I stutter and nod my head
"I'll see you later Granger" He says walking away

"Hermione!" I shout
"I prefer if you'd call me Hermione" I smile
"Don't push it" He shouts back and I smile

Y/n Riddle and Draco MafloyWhere stories live. Discover now