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"What has happened in here!" I hear someone shout
Everyone freezes in there tracks.

I slowly take my hand out of the pile of food a dropped it to the grown.

"Everyone clean your selfs up! And clean this mess up!" They shouted

"And no Magic!" They added

I look at Draco who's trying to hold in his laughter.
Once the great hall doors close everyone started laughing and talking.

(After getting cleaned)

"I can't believe that we have to clean this up! Even without Magic!" I shouted
"Well you kinda started it" Draco says

I walk over at him and lock his neck with my arm and give him a noogie. (You take your fist and your rub it hard on the persons head if you wanted to know btw)

We all walk into the great hall and start cleaning up the food.

(After cleaning the food)

We all are walking to dark arts with Lupin.

We walk in to see no teacher but rows of desks in front of a white screen.

I sat next to Draco in seconds row, with Crabe and Goyale the desk be-hide us. Danny went to sit with some Hufflepuff girl.

"We spell like food" I say smelling my hand
"Yes we do!" He said smelling his hand

We were both talking until we heard a door slam.
It was Snape. He closed all the windows with the flick of his wand.

"Turn it Page, 364" he said standing next to the white board.

I looked around the class room opening my book and and flipping the pages to be annoying.

I look over at Draco to see him slide book off the table.

I look at him, like I have seen that before. Wait! I had a vision of it, or something like that.

I look at Draco like he did something wrong.

Draco starts to notice that I'm staring at him.

"If you take a picture it will last longer" he smirks
"Oh shove Mafloy, I'm not looking at you in that kind of way" I mumble.

"But that's the only reason you would look at me" he whispers back
"Draco stop being full of your self, I just had a vision" I snap
"Wait another one?" He asked

I nod my head.

"Mr. Mafloy, and Ms.Riddle if your conversation is more important then this class then you can leave" Snape says

The whole class laughs.

"Actually it's important, I would leave this class but I don't want to repeat this year again let's just say that" nudging Draco while the class laughs

"Enough Ms.Riddle!" He says flicking his wand over at my book to change the page number.

"Ooooooo" the class says
I stand out of my seat and say
"Shut up before-"
Draco brings me down back to my seat beige I can finish my sentence.

"Today we will be learning about Wherewolf's"
"But yesterday we were only learning about Chilumonks! We aren't learning about it until-"

"CAN anyone tell me the difference between the two on the board?" Snape interrupts Hermione

"Anyone?" No one answers
"Ms. Granger go a head" Snape says clearly annoyed

"Y/n you actually had another vision?" Draco asks
"Well yes and no" I say
"What do you mean yes and no?"
"Well I don't remember if it was second or first year I had this one, but it was you." I say clearly embarrassed

"About me?" He laughs
"Yes" I say
"Well what about?"
"You sliding your books off the table, like you just did" I say

"Huh, did I at least look good for the vision?" He teases
"Yes Mr. Mafloy" I say rolling my whole laughing a bit.

"And a where wolf-"

"Oooooooo" Draco makes a howling sound

"Thank you Mr. Mafloy for the sound affect" clearly being startasic about it

While Snape is explaining the homework I see Draco drawing on a piece of paper.

"What are you doing there?" I say leaning my head of his shoulder
"Drawing Potter-"
"Drawing your boyfriend I see" teasing him
"He's not my-"
"Oops sorry I know you guys keep it a secret and-"
"We're not Dating!" He whisper-shouts
"You guys are obsessed with another!" I tease again
"Oh shove off" he says folding the paper into a bird

"Haha got yah" I say sitting up straight

I see the bird go over to Harry. He opens the bird/note and looks at Draco then me. He looks at me like he wanted me not to be apart of the note.

I just shrug my shoulders trying to signal that I didn't have any part of the note.

"Class demised!" Snape shouts

We all pack out bags quickly and run out of the room.

"Meet me at the common room at midnight" Draco whispers in my ear then running off to another class.

Y/n Riddle and Draco MafloyWhere stories live. Discover now