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I arrive in a fire place to see no one at the Ministry.

"Ms.Riddle, come"

I turn to see Mr.Mafloy.

"Mr. Mafloy?" I ask
"Yes, here. This is mask to keep your face hidden, let's find the prophecy" He answers

I nod and put the death eater mask on.

We walk in the a huge dark room with white foggy orbs.

"Where's the rest?" I hear him ask
"We're right sir, and who might this be?" Someone in a dark voice asks

"Lift your mask" Mr.Mafloy says

I lift off my mask to see everyone gasp.

"Is that his daughter?" Someone asks
"Is that Y/n Riddle?" I hear a women chuckle

I turn around to see Bellatrix Lestrange. I nod at her question.

"Let's go find the prophecy" She laughs and I nod

I pull the mask over my face and pull my wand out.

"It bitty, baby Potter" I hear Bellatrix chuckle
"Bellatrix Lestrange" Neville announces

I walk forward, next to Bellatrix.
"Pull off your mask darling" She demands

-Harry's POV-

"Pull off your mask darling" Bellatrix demands

I see a women in a black suit. Just like Y/n's?

She steps forward and pulls off her mask to reveal her. The one who helped us.

I look over to Hermione and Ron to see them as surprised as everyone us.

"Expelliarmus!" The whole D.A shouts and Mr.Malfoy flys back.

We all start running, but I turn back to see Y/n put her mask back on and run towards us.

"Stupefy!" I shout but she dodged it

Next thing I know all the orbs from the shelves are flying off and coming down hard.

-Y/n's POV-

I feel someone take my arm and we disappear in smoke.

I feel my feet touch the ground next to

He backs up and grabs Theodore.

I look back at Harry looking at all of his friends then back at me.

"Harry, we can do this two ways. The easy way, or the hard way" I tilt my head
"Give me the prophecy" I say coldly

"Don't listen to him Harry!" Neville cries but Bellatrix shuts him up

"Harry, don't make me use a crucio on you" I say putting my hand out
"Or on them, I think Bellatrix would love to do another Longbottom" I glance at Bellatrix laughing.

"I like her" She says
"What do you think Draco is going to think? When you lied to him?" He asks

"Bellatrix you can-"
"Fine" Harry hands me the orb

I smirk and turn around to see Sirius Black. I gulp.

"Stay away from my godson!" He shouts

Y/n Riddle and Draco MafloyWhere stories live. Discover now