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"What are saying exactly, George?" I ask leaning over the table
"Make this dramatic scene, and then we come in and lit up the place" George smirks
"With fireworks?" I ask
"Exactly, boom" They both say and I smirk

"And maybe get get some Slytherins on the way" Fred shrugs
"I'm fine with that, just don't get any of my friends" I glare at Fred
"Then there's no point now" Fred sighs
"Fine, if they end dead, you will be dead Fred" i playfully glare at him

(I just noticed that he will die in two years 😭)

"Ok, but are you in, and you can't tell nobody" George says
"If it makes Umbridge pissed, then hell yeah" I smirk

The three of us keep going on with our conversation station. And yes I was sitting at the end of the Griffindor table. 

As I'm laughing I glance to see the whole table glaring at me.

"Staring is rude you know" I tell them and they look away
"Don't brother with them, they don't need your attention" Fred mumbles
"Alright, but your not affected by me?" I ask
"What do you mean by that?" George asks
"I mean" I say then go into a whisper
"Like, you think I'm working with my father, which I'm not by the way" I say
"I think everyone hates you because of your father, like us, everyone hates because of our father" Fred reply's

"But just because, that's all he talks about that  he likes muggles and works with them, doesn't mean that's our personality." George adds
"You should judge someone off of there family, get to know them, well, as them" Free finishes

"I think that's the sweetest thing I have ever heard" I drop my fork and smile
"Well, I just got that out of a book" Fred ruffles my hair
"Totally" George chuckles and I roll my eyes
"Great way to ruin the moment guys" I chuckle 

"Anyways, we have to get Umbridge's class, see you later" They smile and stand up
"Ok bye" I smile and they leave

I take another bite of my steak. I feel someone put my hair back.
I turn around to see Draco smiling.

"Hi?" I question
"Hello, I have good news" He says
"Come on" He holds my hand

I stand up and he starts running up the stairs and still holding hands.

"We are we going?" I giggle and now we're on the 7th floor and he laughs

We stop in front of THE wall.

"I've found it" He smiles
"I've found it" he says slower
"A wall?" I question
"Not any wall" he says turning to me
"Potters club, this is where they've been hiding all this time" He says proudly

"How do you know?" I ask
"I put all the facts together, when Danny, Blaise, and Theo found us, they said a group of Harry's friends were walking by. Then we find kids of Griffendors walking in this wall. A door appears right here. But it wouldn't for me, or any of us. I'm still finding out why, but this is it" He finishes

"I'm finally enough for my father" His smiles fades but rises back up
"Dray, your enough for-"

"Mr.Malfoy, step back, we have Ms.Chang to get this wall to open" We hear a giggle
"Draco-" I try to speak
"Open it" Umbridege interrupts

But Cho won't.
"Open. It." She repeats and she still does not move

"I heard your father got a promotion, it would be funny if it went away" She smirks and Cho's head snaps up.

"It won't open now, sense your here. It wouldn't let me in now" She says putting her head down

"Stand this way" She points

Y/n Riddle and Draco MafloyWhere stories live. Discover now