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We were walking in the forest, Draco was still holding my hand for some reason. I'm not can complaining tho...

I looked back seeing the three boys snirking and smirking at us.

"Ah shopping for you dream home!" I heard Draco shout.

I turned around to see him sliding down a hill and walking to Hermione and Ron.

"Isn't to grand for you Weaslebe, don't you family sleep in uh one room?"
"Shut you mouth Mafloy" Ron said, I was very surprised that he fought back but all I did was a smirk.

I was a right behind Draco, be kinda of be side of him. Danny, Crabe, and Goyale were be-hide us.

"Ooo not very friendly, boys, I think we need to teach Weasbe how to show him how to respect his superiors!"

"I hope you don't mean yourself!" Hermione shouted
"How dare you speak to him like that! You filthy mud blood!" I said stepping in front of the group

I could tell Hermione was hurt by my words, but she deserved it because she shouldn't talk to someone that way!

Then as soon as I know it I feel a hard cold thing hit my face making me stubble a little.

"Who's there!" I heard Draco shout
Then an snow hall come to his face twice!

I saw Crabes pants get pulled down, the Goyale getting spun around by his hat! Then Draco tripped and was getting pulled to the shirking shack! I ran after him and try to pull him back!

Then I fell on my bum once Draco stood up. He pulled me up to my feet and grabbed my hand and ran back into the forest!

"Get out of the way!" He shouted
"Danny come on!" I shouted

(Walking back to the castle)

"Wait until my father hears about this!" Draco Mumbled
"Well you don't know who it is tho!" Danny added
"I don't care, I will find out and they will get punished!" He mumbled again

"And thanks to who ever did it! They ruined my coat!" He shouted
"Well when I was trying to help you, I get all wet and got an ice ball to the face, so your welcome!" I said

"I didn't even say-"
"YOUR WELCOME!" I shouted and me and Danny laughed

"Hey Y/n I know you probably did this earlier with Cedric but do you want to in the candy shop?" Danny asked

"Ooo yeah, more candy for me!" I said

Me and Danny walked into the candy shop and then a man approached us.

"Kids what are you doing here?!" He shouted
"Oh we're looking for candy" I replied
"I'm sorry but you and your boyfriend have to leave and get safe!" He said
"She's not my girlfriend we're-"
"What do you mean?" I cut him off
"Sirius Black was seen a couple of hours ago here! Do you want one of my men two walk back to Hogwarts?"

"No sir we have friends outside that can we can walk with" I say grabbing Danny's hand and running inside.

"We have to go!" I said
"What why, is everything ok?" Draco asked
"No, Sirius Black, we have to go back to Hogwarts!"

We all ran back to the castle to see people in the great hall with sleeping bags.

(30 minutes later)

Everyone got dressed into there pjs. We all grabbed a sleeping bag from the table in the great hall. I laid down next to Danny and Draco. It was quite awkward because you were sleeping next to people you never did before.

Y/n Riddle and Draco MafloyWhere stories live. Discover now