Chapter 5

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Megan's POV

My breathing quickened as Ryan whispered in my ear, "remember me?" I started thinking of the night before and realization dawned on me that it was all true.

"Dressing like a slut for me, Megan, huh?" He growled against my ear.

"Wearing a skirt and black shirt does not make me a slut, Ryan," I seethed back with anger.

"You want me to pull this skirt up and fuck you relentlessly, huh? You're asking for it dressing like that."

"What's wrong with my outfit? And I need to get to class so how about you leave me the fuck alone."

"You should be covered. I don't want anybody to fucking look at you like that. I can read every boys mind and I know that they're all thinking about fucking you because of that too-short skirt," Ryan almost yelled against me. He was on top of me, his hands pinned my wrists.

"You should really let me go. And why does what I wear matter to you?" I asked curiously.

"Because, slut, you know that you're mine." His hand trailed up my leg, spreading tingles throughout my body. His touch was so warm. I was so attracted to it that when it happened I couldn't help but let it happen.

His other hand caressed my cheek, his soft touch making me feel things I'd never felt before. I was so attracted to him and the moment that I didn't even push him off me when I knew I could've.

Then, he slapped me.

I was so struck by what happened. How could he touch me like that then slap me? He grabbed my face. "Don't put up a show like that again for anyone else unless it's me, got it?" He spat.

My body nodded without my brain even knowing. It's like it happened but I didn't mean to. I didn't want to nod. I could wear whatever the fuck I wanted.

"Yeah. You'll be seeing me wear some lingerie tomorrow at school by the way," I joked. I received yet another slap from him. "Stop slapping me you filthy piece of shit."

"I'm gonna give you 24 hours to make the smart decision to come back to me. I know you will, right?" He said, grabbing a bunch of my hair. His breath was fanning my face.

"I'll be with a friend, sorry," I said using my smart ass tone.

He pulled my hair, causing me to scream. "Don't make the mistake of not being with me. Because then I'll have to kill you." My eyes widened at his words.

"But then again, I guess it wouldn't matter since you'd be going to hell anyway," he finished his sentence. "So either way we're gonna be together whether you like it or not, one way is just less painful. Take your pick, Megan." He had a terrifying tone in his last words.

"You're fucking insane Ryan Miller, what's wrong with you?" I questioned.

"I like blood a little too much. And having a convenient pet would be nice too," he whispered on my ear. I got chills.

"I'm not going to 'choose' to be with you. Matter of fact I'm not ever going to be with you."

"Yes you will. If not I'll savor after last drop of your blood when I kill you. Would you like that?" His body heat was warming me up.

"I'm not yours," my words were like daggers when I said them.

"Yes you are. You're all mine and you don't even know it yet. My touch will have you craving me so much that you'll beg me."

"I could never want you." I made the mistake of slapping him in the face.

"Okay little girl listen here," he yelled so loudly in my face I could feel the steam of his anger. The room was hot. "Don't fucking speak to your master like that." He slapped me back. "I could devour you in a second. You're lucky I'm not going to do that."

"Fuck off," I angrily fought back.

"If you make the smart decision, you'll meet me in the courtyard after school tomorrow. If not then you'll end up in pieces once I drink your blood and take your soul." He grabbed my thigh aggressively and I couldn't help but release a moan.

"Look at that - you like when I touch you. You're such a dirty fucking slut." I could sense him smiling.

"I'm not..." I felt like a tear was about to fall from my eye. He threw a dilemma at me and I knew the choice was obvious. I'd seen what he did the other night so I knew he was capable of killing me. I couldn't let that happen but at the same time I didn't just wanna sell my soul to him.

"Oh and Megan?" He grabbed my face. "Don't be stupid." He pushed my face away and stood up. He towered over my small frame.

I couldn't help but ask one more question that had continued to bug me ever since the previous night. "Ryan, who are you?"

Ryan smirked before providing me with a response.

"The devil."

yes im sure you all have questions. obviously ryan isn't the devil exactly... i mean if you read the title you'd probably conclude that. but there will be answers in the next chapter so definitely continue reading ;))

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