Chapter 17

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TRIGGER WARNING: the following content contains depictions of sexual assault. read at your risk ❤️ -cloudilynn

Megan's POV

I grabbed each side of my dress and ran through the countless black hallways which were lit with candles. The castle was too big, only minutes passed and I was already lost. I stopped in my tracks to catch my breath, glancing to each possible angle. Where was I?

I suddenly craved Ryan's presence again, as he made me feel someway protected, but then I remembered what he allowed happen. On top of that, he laughed at me. I didn't need him, but I couldn't help of think of the better side of him. If there even was one, I thought. His recent naming of Lucifer might make him forget I existed.

Before I had time to think more, I heard footsteps walking towards me from the right hallway. I still couldn't see anyone, as the footsteps were far, but they were approaching me. My heartbeat raced as a light finally came into my view with a man who had a terrifying smile plastered on his face.

"Hello, Megan," he whispered faintly. My heart began beating rapidly as the man's eyes darkened. I gulped loudly, enough for the man to hear my worries and snicker.

"What do you want?" I whispered quietly as a tear fell down my cheek. I could only imagine what trouble Ryan was going to have me in - if I survived from this encounter.

"Oh nothing, you pathetic human." The man chuckled loudly, enough for his sounds to bounce against the walls. "However I'm feeling quite hungry... and your scent is enticing."

In that moment, I had absolutely no clue what to do. And no one to guide me. I felt like such an idiot, if I had simply followed Ryan's instructions to not wander away, I wouldn't be in this situation.

So I ran.

I didn't know where I was running, why I may have thought it was a smart idea, or where the man was. It was very likely he could've just teleported to me within seconds given his supernatural abilities to do so.

And in seconds, I was right. A body came up from behind me and pushed me roughly against the wall, smashing my face. He grabbed my wrists and pinned me tightly. He blew on me ear before whispering in it, "You thought you could get away? Whore."

I started tearing up in that moment just as he had threw me over his shoulder in a tight lock. He was carrying us the same way I had been running from, and soon accessed a door. He opened it, closed it angrily, and threw me on a bed I didn't even know was there.

I crawled into a ball on the bed, seeing nothing but pitch darkness. My makeup was smeared, my wrists were bruised, and my heart was beating faster than ever.

I heard the man chuckle in the darkness, his loud voice approaching me. I felt the bed dip and suddenly a man had grabbed my face painfully, all while dragging his other finger down my body.

In mere seconds he had just ripped the dress from my fragile being and I screaming loudly - surely loud enough that an immortal could hear.

The man covered my mouth and smacked me across the face. "Shut the fuck up, or I'll make this more painful than it has to be." His finger kept tracing, down my stomach, past my underwear, and to my thighs. He squeezed my right thigh and ventured down there keeping my mouth shut. I didn't bother to fight him, he could've killed me in seconds. I was simply waiting for someone to hear me.

Then he bit into my thigh.

I screamed so loudly that time that my throat began to ache in pain and my eyes were burning from the tears. His fangs were sharp and he began to suck the life out of me. I started using my arms to crawl away and fight him off, but he just kept smacking me in return.

"Please," I wailed as loudly as I could, begging for just some mere kindness. As if this man had any morals at all. Why did I even bother?

"Shut the fuck up, cunt." That was the only response I could get from him before he bit into my other thigh, yet again receiving a loud noise from me. His hand that was gripped on my thigh began traveling up my body to my breasts, he started cupping them and roughly squeezing them until it hurt me.

I pushed his hands off, kicking with my feet and screaming. I was tired of this. I just wanted Ryan.

"Ryan!" I screamed.

The man smacked my face so hard this time it was sure to leave a mark. "What did I tell you, little one?"

I stood there quietly groaning in pain. My thighs were bleeding, my face was stinging, my voice was gone. I was beginning to lose consciousness.

"To... stay quiet," I faintly whispered.

"Yet... you didn't stay quiet for me, did you?" He asked, grabbing my chin.


He chuckled and said,"I told you that you weren't gonna like this."

He got on top of me, wrapped his hands around my throat, and started suffocating me. I was tapping each side of the bed with my arms, fighting him off, doing everything I could to make him go away. But he didn't.

I was losing oxygen as seconds passed. I tried moving his hands from my throat but it didn't matter, he was too strong.

A door finally swung open, causing the man to turn around and let go of my throat. I inhaled so much air in that second and was finally able to breathe again.

I looked at the door once and it was a shadow of a man I knew all too well. I smiled once and blinked away a final tear, realizing I was going to be okay. He saved me.

Though the only light peering through the room was that of the light from the hallway behind the door, I could still tell I was fading in and out of conscience. I didn't know much of what was happening as I began to fall asleep, I could just hear noises of punches being thrown, angry yelling, and an attractive voice whispering sweet nothings into my ear.

And to think, I thought that fuck didn't care for me at all.

i'm so sorry i haven't updated in a few months friends. i've been so busy. but i'm going to start writing off this chapter now and hopefully start writing more consistently.

i've been very busy with my boyfriend. he means the world to me! he knows i write but doesn't really do that much about it. (marmo if ur reading this hi)

be ready for another update soon! i plan on releasing one within the next few days:)

have a good one my lovelies❤️



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