Chapter 3

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Megan's POV

I've been sitting here for hours. He's had me tied to this chair for so long without any food or any water. He hasn't came back since earlier when we spoke.

"Ryan Miller, you get back here right now and untie me!" I screamed. I'd been yelling for hours. What was the point?

"Please! My mom is probably worried sick!" I begged.


"Who's there?"


"H-hello?" I asked nervously. I still couldn't see anything. Just a table at the end of the room with a candle on it.

A man stepped into the room. He was thinner, not quite as muscular as Ryan, but tall. He looked scary, though. He looked like one of the men in my mightmares.

"So you're Ryan's new toy, huh?" The man asked me. All I could see was his shadow. He took more steps toward me and I suddenly heard a scratching sound. Then, light. He lit a candle.

The man had black hair with a couple of gray strands running through it. He had black eyes, similar to his hair. He had some wrinkles on his forehead that doubled when he scrunched his eyebrows.

"I am not Ryan's toy! Why does everyone keep saying that?" I kept fighting back. I wasn't going to be nice, whether I was chained up or not.

"Because he took you. Just like I took Charolette. But that was many, many years ago. Gee, about a thousand. But she's still like a cougar in the sack, so it's okay."

I cringed. "That's gross..."

"Sorry. The point is that because Ryan took you, you will belong to him forever. And of course, once you guys consummate, you'll want to be with him forever. It'll change your thoughts on him completely."

What the hell... I'm so confused...

"What so you're saying that as of right now, I'll hate him... but once we have... that, then I'll want to be with him?"

The man nodded his head. "Once the two of you make beautiful, glorious love, then you'll never want to be without him. You'll submit to his every word."

Shit. I had to escape before I wanted to be with him! I can't let that happen. And I won't. I'll have to keep fighting.

"Would you pretty please let me go!" I whined, pulling on the ropes.

"Well, in a sense I suppose I am letting you go, but..." The man stopped. "I'll make a deal with you, how does that sound?"

A deal to get out of this place? Oh hell yeah.

"Yes! Anything to get out of here." I bit my lip.

"Well, I can smell that you're a virgin; Ryan sure did pick out a pretty little one. So... if you let me simply just take your virginity, I'll let you go."

I didn't expect that offer.

"No." It would always be a no, even if there were a million dollars on the line.

"I wasn't really asking..." The man said. He grabbed my face with his two hands and kissed me. His lips were wrinkley...

I screamed.

He continued to kiss me and used his tongue to trace the skin of my lips.

"Steven!" A voice yelled from the end of the room. The man who was kissing me turned around and looked frightened.

"How dare you touch what's MINE!" Ryan yelled. "I'll deal with you later," he said as he snapped his fingers. 'Steven' disappeared.

"I apologize for him, Megan. He's a bit of a problem. So I'll kill him later," Ryan said. Kill him? Ryan was a murderer?

"You'll kill him?" I asked nervously.

"Only for the enjoyment. He'll come straight back to hell anyways," Ryan added.


"What do you mean? I'm so confused, Ryan..."

"I would be too," he said. "But I'll clear it up for you later. Not right now though."

"Okay..." I muttered. "Can I have some water? I'm dying of thirst."

Ryan nodded. He left the room for three seconds and came back with a glass of water. He placed it on the table - that I didn't even know existed - next to me. He sat a candle on the table as well.

"Night, pet." Were Ryan's last words. A whoosh of air filled my ears, and he was gone.

"You have got to stop doing that!" I added after he left. I struggled against the ropes once more.

Somehow, the struggling paid off. Because I managed to escape the tied ropes.

"Oh holy fuck!" I yelled when I looked at my wrists and saw red marks and blood. The pain was endless. I felt like I was burning away.

I grabbed the water with my hand and took a sip. I smiled when the cool liquid drizzled down my throat.

The feeling was amazing. I'd been sweating in this unnaturally heated house; I finally got something to cool me down a bit.

After another few minutes, I grabbed the candle and searched for the door. I found it, grabbed its fancy golden handle, and opened it.

I heard two male voices talking a couple meters away.

"Yes. It starts in about five minutes."

"Is it all secure? It'd better be, because if Ryan's girl escapes, then I'll be-"

"Don't worry, sir, lockdown is secure. We won't disappoint you."

"You'd better not. Because if she were to have escaped like Angela did a hundred years ago, then I'd have to kill you. Permantately."

What? Was there a lockdown? Shit!!

I ran across the hall quickly into the other room and searched. All I could find was a bed, closet, and a...


I looked through the window first and saw black. Just black. No stars, nothing. The outline of the black, near the end, was a dark shade of red. I looked down from the window and saw lakes of fire.

Where the hell was I?

I turned around and ran out the door. I was back in the hall I started in. The two men were still talking about lockdown.

I found, at the northern end of the hall, a portal.

What. The. Fuck.

I very slowly walked past the men who were talking (I have no idea how they managed to not notice me) and ran for the portal.

A medal wall began closing the portal.


The medal was about halfway when I jumped into the portal.

I opened my eyes and looked around. I was laying on the sidewalk, with my phone in my hands, watching YouTube. I received a message from my mom.

I'm here.

Hm. Maybe that was all just a dream...


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