Chapter 18

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Megan's POV

I woke up confused, in a bed I didn't recognize. Gray walls surrounded me with faint lights turned on. It was different than any room in the towers of Hell. I had no idea where I was.

"Ryan?" I asked, sitting up, feeling sore. My body ached and I looked down to see myself in a pretty see through white nightgown. I had wraps on my thighs, and suddenly I remember the events that occurred before I was in this room.

My head started pounding but soon enough Ryan came in the room looking as handsome as ever.

Don't say that. He's the reason you're here.

Then again, he was the reason I was still alive.

"What time is it?" I asked. "Where are we?"

Ryan stuffed his hands in his pockets and looked at me with care in his eyes. "Do you even remember what happened?"

I nodded my head as he came closer to me. He caressed my face and fluttered his eyelashes. For once I felt as though someone cared about me. That was before he said, "you dumb human." He snickered and let go of my face.

I rolled my eyes as he turned his back to me and started heading out the door. "Wait, where are you going?" I sat at the edge of my bed and waited patiently for a response.

"I have to take care of business."

He stood there for a few more moments. "Right... devil duties." I joked at myself and looked back up at Ryan again.

He gave me the most devilish stare that couldn't help but make me feel a certain way. How could he do that to me? Perhaps Hell heightened my thoughts of sin. Or maybe Ryan was putting powers on me. I didn't know, but either way, I couldn't help but feel the warm sensation down below.

Ryan chuckled and walked out to the hallway. "Wait, I'll follow you," I said excitedly and ran behind him.

"Megan, you can't watch me working. It'll scare you."

"I don't care." I looked at him straight in the eyes before he rolled his, and I happily skipped behind him down the hallway to wherever we were going.


Ryan paced back and forth between his office with his cell phone in his hand and other in his pocket. He'd been busily calling people of the Council making plans for his day of the Crowning. I wonder how much pressure he felt to make things so perfect. It was a big day for him.

I sat in his office in the far corner, playing with my finger nails and pondering last night. Images kept flashing in my mind about what happened and my heart started to race from the faint memories. I couldn't believe Ryan actually saved me. I mean he allowed Alex to injure me and although it was my choice to run away, if he had done something sooner I could've avoided being sexually assaulted.

I pulled up the edge of the comfortable gray gown Ryan must have changed me into and stared at the bite wounds on my thigh.

Ryan was in the middle of staring at the ground and about to get angry that the other person on the line wasn't answering when he noticed me staring at the wounds. He walked closer to me and bent down, grazing his finger around them.

"I'm sorry I let you get hurt." He almost appeared to be angry when saying that. "The conversation I was having with Alex was important. However I'll admit I should've done more to be there for you."

I was shocked. Ryan was normally quite dominant and uncaring for me however this time he was showing me empathy. It meant a lot to me. "Yeah well, I suppose it could've been worse had you not shown up at all. So for that I thank you."

He scoffed, standing up. He threw his phone on the couch opposite of me and placed his hands on his hips. "Really? You're thanking me?"

I bowed my head, staring at the ground uncomfortably. I mean I didn't want to thank him, he didn't deserve anything, considering my life could also be perfectly fucking normal. But as this life is the one I'm stuck with for what appears to be a seemingly long while, then I might as well try to form a connection. So apologizing felt like the right thing to do.

"You're so weak. You shouldn't be thanking me..." he said, his eyes turning dark.

"Then what else am I to do? Be honest Ryan if I was angry would that make you feel better? I'm pretty sure you'd gag me and make me beg for mercy if I dared to get angry with you." I spit my words and crossed my elbows over my body.

"Well.." he stuttered. "Although that does sound nice - you shouldn't be thanking me. I could've done better."

"You said it yourself. You had business to deal with Alex." I rolled my eyes and continued to run my fingers over my mostly healed wounds.

"You're my property. I let my what is mine get damaged and the fault is placed unto me. I failed the situation and I could've done better. I should be apologizing."

For once, I felt like Ryan actually cared for me. In the past it was some sort of possessive obsession he had for me that I found rather disturbing - because throwing me into a janitors closet and practically fingering me during the school day wasn't entirely ideal. However I was happy to see him care, at least a little bit, about my well being. Perhaps he had something to do with my mostly healed wounds. I'm sure the magic he could do as a demon took part in this, especially since he seemed sincere about his fault in the situation.

"Well.. thank you," I stammered, still stunned by his words.

His lip quivered and he continued to stare down at me, his tall body towering over my own.

The door to his office creaked open and in came Anna. She had a worrisome look on her face as she held the door with her hand. "Ryan.." she said.

"What the hell are you doing here?"

"I just wanted to see how Megan was doing," she said calmly. "I'm sure she might still be frightened, if of course she remembers anything. But I came here to tell you I have reason to believe there are people targeting her. People with ill intentions of harming her."

hey guys sorry it's been awhile:) i've been busy but am working on this story right now and i have plans on finishing! it was just a slow process of choosing the plot and plans, etc. however i now know where this story will be headed and i hope you all look forward to it :)

this is somewhat a filler chapter, they'll get more interesting from here. how are you guys doing??


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