Chapter 9

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thank you guys for almost 500 reads! i appreciate it loves ❤️

Megan's POV

It was crazy how so much could change in a couple of hours. And honestly, I wasn't even sure that Ryan was going to continue with his plan to take me to hell. I'd theorized that he was just going to kill me instead but perhaps he did in fact have other ideas.

He had taken me to a place in hell - I recognized it almost the instant we arrived. Extremely warm temperature, castle-like walls, and a room that looked too familiar itself. The one I was tied to for hours. The candle sat there, still lit. It didn't even lose any of its candle wax.

"Welcome back home."

"This is not my home and this will never be my home," I growled back.

Ryan didn't like my words as he ran up behind me, one arm snaking it's way around my waist and the other hand grabbed my throat, choking hard.

"Don't speak like that here." He let go of my throat, allowing me to gasp for air.

Earlier I had been so attracted to him in an unexplainable way - but now all my anger had emerged and I remembered everything that happened. I wanted to go home as soon as possible.

He left me alone in a dark room. The only seeable thing was a large bed with a red felt headrest. There was a candle lit next to the bed on the nightstand. I suddenly felt very unsafe.

The temperature felt almost hotter than before as I walked to one side of the room in the darkness. I felt the wall, my fingers grazing the dusty window seal. I slipped my head out the window and wasn't surprised seeing the fire below me, the flames licking higher and higher.

My heart was racing and I pulled my head out of the outside air. I closed the window shut and ran to the other side of the room. I searched every wall and every drawer for something to make the room less hot. I felt like I was being burned alive.

A man entered the room, looking shocked at my arrival. It was Ryan's father. I recognized him from the night I was kidnapped into this torture.

"Son!" he yelled, looking angry. The more angry he got the redder his skin looked. I felt like he was about to go into demon form like Ryan had done before we got here.

Ryan soon showed up and he was in demon form, blood was dripping down his chin. "Yes?"

"What the hell were you doing, Ryan?" His dad asked, looking as him insane.

"I was just finishing up a couple of errands." Ryan looked over at me with his dark red eyes. They were almost black. He was grinning devilishly, fresh blood still splattered throughout his white teeth.

"Why would you bring a human? In this temperature? You know she'll burn alive - were you trying to make her suffer?"

"No, dad. I was going to get to that."

"You know what to do. Being Lucifer soon requires responsibility, son. Show me you have what it takes." His father strolled away. He looked of middle age and was definitely attractive. I saw a lot of Ryan's features in him - but nevertheless, the man looked tired of his position. And Ryan looked more than ready to take over the position.

Ryan, looking as big as ever, walked over to me and with each step I inched back until I hit the wall.

Ryan's hand grabbed my throat and I felt instant relief from the pain of the heat. The feeling went throughout my whole body. I was finally cooled down.

"T-thank you," I stuttered. I looked down and bit my lip. My hands were behind my back.

"Looks like you've already practiced the art of submission," Ryan said. I looked up and he had a grin on his face. "I hope you're just as submissive in bed, tied up to the headrest."

I blushed hard.

"Look at that. I know you want it. You wanna be tied up with a gag in your mouth as I fuck you so hard you won't even remember your name. Then you'll beg me to come."

I was getting wet at his every word even though I should've have. My breathing grew rapid as he inched closer to me, wrapping his hand around my throat lightly. His hand rubbed my pussy through my clothing.

"Please," I whimpered. I knew it was so wrong but I couldn't help but think of the ways he could pleasure me. I was so selfish and I hated myself for it but I guess that's what it's like in hell. Everyone loves sin - it's something they find enjoyment in, and perhaps that's why I was feeling this way. My body was leaning towards sin even though my mind wasn't wanting me to. I couldn't help it.

"Please what, slut?" His voice was low and attractive. It sent shivers through my whole body.

"Please..." I couldn't find my words. "Please tie me up."

"You're already begging and I've hardly even touched you." Ryan smiled and pushed his body up against mine and I felt his hard on. It was so large that my eyes grew as wide as saucers. I was scared of his attempt in trying to stick that thing inside me.

Before I had time to take back my words, he'd already unzipped his pants.

i was thinking about writing this in ryans pov but it's so hard to write for him bc im like NOT a guy lmao so idk how he thinks... trust me i'll write him for a lot of chapters too but meg is a girl so it's easier to write. please vote and comment it means so much to me

have a blessed day babies <3


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