Chapter 6

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Megan's POV

"The who?" I questioned out of pure fear. I knew and I'd heard the words he said I just didn't know whether to believe them or not. After everything that had happened thus far, I couldn't help but believe the words he said.

"You heard what I said."

"You're joking, right?" I asked, hoping he'd say he was.

"Well... I guess in a way you could say that I'm joking. Perhaps maybe I am. Yup - you're right. I'm not the devil. I'm the devils son."

*cue the rolls lol*

"This can't be real," I frantically spoke, my words turning into slight stutters.

"Well it is sweetheart," he said bitterly. "But I will be the devil soon." He smirked at the thought.

"How? Isn't your dad the devil?" I felt stupid saying that because obviously he was, he just said he was.

"None of your fucking business. Keep that pretty mouth of yours shut. Tell anything about what you saw or heard yesterday or today and I'll kill your best friend Rachel." What the fuck. This man was twisted.

I stared at him in awe as I was finally able to see his face from the light shining through the window on the door. "I'll see you soon, Meg." He opened the door and just like that he was gone.

I stayed still for another couple of minutes. I was in shock. My life was changing so much and it hadn't even been 24 hours. Just yesterday I was having one hell of a time at prom. But something within me told me that he'd had this planned out - so either I was going to be meeting him as much as I didn't want to.

My body was still shaking once he'd left the closet. His touch had left me... wanting more. That was so bad of me to say because I hardly even knew him. He was right. I was craving something.

I thought about it even more until something crossed my mind.


I felt like I betrayed him but that was until I realized something else: he was dead.

Tears started sprawling out of my eyes at the realization. It sickened me even more knowing that I wasn't thinking of anyone but Ryan when he and I talked. I was so lured into him regardless of my smart ass. There was something about him.

It couldn't be true that James was dead. Could it?

I pulled out my phone and checked my messages. I received a couple from Rachel and Elena.

Rachel(1): what the fuck did u hear about james?? what happened ? tell me now

Rachel(2): fucking answer me!! the death of ur bf isn't something u should be ignoring

Elena: meg the whole thing ab james is spreading all through the school everyone is worried sick!! what happened to james??? is it actually true

They were all right. Why was I only thinking about Ryan? I was so selfless. My boyfriend literally just died. What the fuck was wrong with my mind?

"Fuck my life," I cursed under my breath. Just at that second, the door opened and their stood one of our janitors.

He looked shocked at first, then concerned. He put his mop up and asked me, "young lady, are you okay?"

"I'm fine," I said, tears pouring out my eyes quicker than I intended.

"Do you need the nurse? Are you hurt?" The old man asked. He had white hair and a white mustache. He was pretty old but he was still out here getting bills.

"I'm fine, I just... I need to go home," I said, standing up. I grabbed my backpack and walked out the door.

I ran down the hallways and pushed the doors open. I'm sure they'd text my mom or something about my absence but I just needed to leave. I felt like everything was my fault even though it wasn't. I couldn't help but think that if I never talked about James he wouldn't have been dead. I really felt like the reason he died. And that made me cry even harder.

I hopped in my car, sobbing. I turned on my vehicle and pulled out of school property as quickly as I could. I drove to the one place I knew would cure my problems. It made me sound like a basic girl but I couldn't help but smile once I drove into the Starbucks drive thru. I needed a venti iced chai with vanilla sweet cream cold foam.

I got my coffee and left, headed home. Once I got there I parked and sat in my seat, continuing to cry. Memories of James and I flooded through my brain.

How could I be so selfless around Ryan? I thought.

My mascara was smeared when I looked at myself in the mirror. I sipped my drink and questioned how I would play out tomorrow. I knew I had no other choice. He pretty much left me with no other choice.

Who knew all this chaos would be caused because of Ryan Miller?

I sure as hell would've never guessed him. He was always so normal. I never even noticed him until the other night. He really is scary as fuck. I wondered how I was so sassy around him. I knew any other girl would be the complete opposite. They would fall into his trap. I am dumb but I'm not stupid.

I grabbed my keys and headed inside my home. I was going to cherish the last moments I had with my mom before something bad would happen to me. It was scary that I didn't know exactly what Ryan was going to do to me. All he said was that I was his.

I was going to miss my mom.

idk i feel like i love this chapter but i hate it at the same time. lmk what y'all think tho!! i can't stop writing bc i'm literally so in love w the characters and plot so ... expect updates frequently. possibly every other day. or maybe every day...

love u guys!!!

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