Chapter 20

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Ryan's POV

Megan needed to stay with Anna in the palace until I found out who was planning an attack against her. I knew bringing Megan to Hell meant that people were going to try and take her from me, and although that pissed me off, I was cocky enough to dangle her blood in front of many presumably hungry demons at the ball. I was completely at fault.

Her arrival was a dangerous temptation but I knew it wouldn't last forever. At some point she'd change - whether it was naturally or with my assistance. That day would be easier for me, as I won't have to worry for her simply existing anymore, but appreciating her human form and the most delicious blood I've ever brought home was important too.

It was the day of the Crowning Ceremony. Naturally, at least prior to meeting Megan, I was excited for this day but the stress was seeming to get to me. Dealing with all the bastards who were deemed to live in this world with me forever. With Megan.

Fuck that.

I didn't want anyone to look at or touch her. I knew what all of them were thinking. They so terribly wanted to sink their claws into her silky smooth skin and taste her addicting blood. They wanted to use her and break her until she was nothing but a lost cause. They wanted to completely destroy her.

Only I would be doing that to her.

So as I secured the tie around my neck, I nodded to my maid who opened the doors for me and met me with my father, who appeared as non-enthusiastic as ever. I wanted to wipe that smug look off of face but before I could gather any anger, I decided to take a deep breath in and respect the man who raised me and was giving me his position as the ruler of Hell.

He tilted his chin upwards. "Son."

"Father," I responded, no emotion in our exchange.

"Are you prepared to fulfill this duty?"

As if we hadn't gone over this a hundred times. He'd reminded me of his responsibilities as Lucifer for centuries. "Yes, father."

He didn't appear to trust my word but nodded anyway. His golden crown, chiseled in detail, sparkled loudly in the atmosphere surrounding us. It's ruby red crystals gave it an effortless beauty that I was more than honored to show off to the people.

"Are they ready to bow down to a new Lucifer?" I asked, hoping he would provide me with an entirely honest answer. I knew some people of the kingdom of Hell were wary of me and felt as though I was too young and lacked more centuries worth of experience. But my father prepared me and made sure I knew what happened behind closed doors - like, for example, who to be cautious of. It was evident someone was trying to harm Megan and that... that was punishable by whatever I desired. It's a crime in Hell to touch what belongs to people - we're all selfish. So whoever was trying to steal the innocence that I owned, that being Megan, was going to regret it.

"I sure hope the people I've grown to care for wouldn't dare to doubt my decision in crowning my son as the new Lucifer," he spoke his words with an old wisdom that I had yet to possess. Regardless, I was thankful for his opinion, and he was right. If the people didn't trust me, the council even, they were disrespecting my father.

I hummed in approval as we walked down the corridor to a set of extraordinarily long and detailed doors that would soon lead me to the great hall. I would soon be greeted with that of the council, and the demons of Hell.

A nervous pit formed in my stomach as the doors opened, allowing my eyes to be met immediately with the members of the council, and eventually, with the demons of Hell surrounding them.

This was it.

Only, a small part of me wished Megan were here to see it.

I knew she wanted to.

I lifted my chin high, and walked down the hall towards the chairs in which the members were seated. It grew eerily quiet once my father and I entered, and continued to slip into a deeper silence. Eyes were targeted on me from left and right, but the most intimidating crimson red pairs were those of the council members.

They were the only ones who had the power to execute me for good.

Once we reached the stairs that led to the members' thrones, we stopped and waited for their approval. All five of them looked at each other with expressionless faces before turning to face me.


Their wrinkled and expressionless faces angered me. I didn't like that these hags were the only ones that held authority over me.

"Ryan Miller, the son of Lucifer, please state your vow to us," said Gabriel, one of the members of the council.

I coughed before stating them. Everything from devoting my loyalty to them, properly serving the people as Lucifer, and committing myself to the work done in Hell.

They nodded after I stated my vows and initiated for my father to crown me with his beautiful possession that only feels right sitting on his head. It's the only place I had seen it for centuries.

But my time has come.

I will prove to every single bastard in here just how evil I can be, how merciless I am. Especially when it comes to what's mine. Megan is mine to claim, to touch, to fuck.

My wrath will be completely ruthless. I know they crave to steal her innocence, and I won't let them lay a finger on her.

So, with my crown upon my head, I face opposite the council, towards the evil that is Hell. A room full of pure sin.

It's finally time. I'm Lucifer.

hi babes. i'm so sorry it's been awhile since my last update... i've fallen off from writing and have been in a complete book phase. i always bounce between the two (reading & writing) and can never find the best of both worlds. that's my fault i suppose. so here's a short update. i promise i'll find more time to write this week! i do have a plan for this story and have for awhile now, it just seems as though putting it into words is the hardest struggle.

i hope you all have a great day. thank you so much for 180K reads. you're incredible.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2023 ⏰

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