Chapter 15

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Megan's POV

I still couldn't get the ball out of my mind. It was the next morning, and I just woke out of bed to take a shower. What even would happen? Would we do stupid little ball dances like on the movies? I laughed at myself.

I washed my face and applied toner, moisturizer, and sunscreen to my skin before grabbing a towel to shower. I wondered what my dress would look like and how the maids would do my makeup.

I also couldn't stop thinking about Anna. I didn't know anything about her except the fact she was lesbian, but why did she want me? What was so special about me? I was ordinary. Yet somehow admired by demons.

I stepped in the shower and felt instant relief when the lukewarm water hit my skin. Cold enough to cure my ached skin thankfully. Normally I'd make it scorching hot but since hell was hot enough anyways I didn't need the extra heat.

"Care if I join?"

Ryan's voice startled me from behind. I looked through the heated glass doors and saw him standing there in boxers. And damn did that motherfucker look good.

"Ryan! Knock next time..." I mumbled, covering my privates with my arms. Even though I was sure he had seen me naked before, I still felt my insecurities control my mind.

"You didn't answer the question." He crossed his arms over his chest. I couldn't see him clearly through the glass thanks to the fog on it but I could tell he was giving me that look.

"Why do you want in?" I asked, flustered.

"I need to shower too."

I rolled my eyes. He was just coming up with shot excuses at this point. "You have your own shower."

"This one has a better view."

I could feel my cheeks redden and I finally nodded at him through the glass. He removed his boxers, stepping towards the shower. My heart rate skyrocketed as his naked glory opened the glass sliding door and met with me.

I couldn't control my heavy breathing. He had this effect on me even though he'd put me through plenty of shit and basically fucked my whole life up.

I got nervous and faced the wall opposite of him, letting the water wet my hair even though I wasn't planning on washing it. My hair was getting curled tonight anyways.

Suddenly I felt his front push up against my butt and his arms slide up the sides of my body. My whole body was on fire, and my stomach had this pit of nervousness that I couldn't explain. I closed my eyes as the tingles spread throughout my body just by simple hand movements.

I leaned my head back on his shoulder and parted my lips to release a whimper. My god, the things this bastard could do simply by touching me. His left hand travelled back downward whilst his right hand slid up my shoulder and lingered on my chest.

His left hand inched lower and lower and soon enough I was able to feel his finger fumble with my clit. I closed my eyes and leaned my head back onto his shoulder. Christ.

"Ryan," I breathed as his finger slipped into my aching wet hole. He chuckled at my reaction and continued to toy with my begging wet pussy. His finger sped up a bit, applying pressure to my walls. He inserted a second finger, causing me to grip onto the wall and lean into his body.

His teeth grazed against my ear and suddenly my whole body was on fire. Even the slightest touch had me a moaning mess.

Just as I was approaching a breathtakingly close orgasm, Ryan pulled his fingers out of me. I turned around, angry and sexually frustrated. "What the fuck?"

He grinned at me devilishly, like the sadist he was. "See you at eight." And with that, he stepped out of the shower and left the bathroom.

I angrily finished washing my body with a rose scented body wash and shaved practically every hair on my body. I was going to look good - so good that Ryan would regret not letting me orgasm. That bastard.

After drying off and dressing into my silk robe, I entered the beauty room Ryan had prepared for me for the ball. Three men and three women stood in the room messing with hair products, makeup, and dresses. There was a wide variety of dresses which made me nervous.

The group looked at me as I entered with wide smiles on their faces and opened me with hugs. The hairdresser even peppered me with kisses all over my face. I laughed at the cute gesture. "Megan darling! Ryan didn't inform us we were working with a model ."

"Oh you're flattering," I laughed. "But I am no model."

"I'm Benjamin," the hairdresser said as he guided me to a chair and pushed me shoulders so I sat. He introduced the rest of the beauty maids, who were all beautiful. I trusted them to make me gorgeous.

"So..." Benjamin started, "what kind of look are we going for? Elegant? Bold? Sexy?" He raised a brow thinking of every way he could style me to my satisfaction.

I thought for a moment, weighing my options. I smiled wide and said, "Sexy."

sorry i updated late but nevertheless this was a super fun chapter to write!!! And thank you guys so much for 11k reads, I swear we had like only 6k last week. You guys are amazing <3

Anyways im in florida for vacation rn, where are you guys from? ((Im from indiana))

please vote and comment. i love you guys so much. i will try to update soon 💕


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