Chapter 4

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Megan's POV

"Hey mom," I said as I opened the door to her Toyota. I was worried that she might sense something.

"You look like you've had a good night!" She smiled as she picked up the tiara from my head. She examined it before handing it back to me.

"Prom Queen? How exciting! I was Prom Queen, too, when I was your age. But things are much different nowdays. My day and age was the 1980's, and from what it seems, thing a have changed a lot then."

"I think you mean the 1800s, mom," I teased. She smacked my arm, clearly angry with my sarcasm.

"I'm really tired mom - is it okay if I hop into bed without a shower tonight?" I asked.

She nodded her head, taking a right. "That's alright. All your partying must have caused that. On the bright side, you're Prom Queen, so technically you're ten times as popular. You'll walk into school on Monday with so many people wishing they were you." My mom was so over-dramatic. Clearly, this wasn't true. I wasn't a bitch or anything - or at the least, I considered myself as a nice person.

"Alright, mom. Friday night partying really is tiring, like you said."

I began thinking again what had just happened minutes ago. Was I dreaming? Or was it real. Part of me told myself it was just a dream but I couldn't help but think that it actually happened. I mean, it felt real.

I got home, undressed, and went to bed. It was a tiring day.


It was the next day and I got ready for school. I wore a plaid purple skirt and a black top. It wasn't really my style but both my friends encouraged me to wear this today. I wore light makeup and left my room. "Bye mom," I yelled before grabbed a cinnamon bun and leaving the house.

"Bye Meg!" I heard my mom yell back.

I got in my keep and started the vehicle. Everything from the night before was flashing through my head again. And today I had 6th period with Ryan Miller - that was, if he showed up. He wasn't there half the time.

Fuck, I groaned, my forehead hitting the steering wheel. I didn't want to accept the fact that it was real because it couldn't be - but a dream had never felt so realistic before.

I drove to school in silence, eating my breakfast and checking my phone occasionally. Reality became questionable to me. Okay - maybe I was thinking too far but still.

First period was a breeze. I was never a fan of English because why do we need to write essays? What's the point of reading books and writing summaries about them? All we needed to know was punctuation and words and how to form sentences. Hence, we should've stopped learning English in like fifth grade once we learned it all. I never really listened in that class. Second period, Spanish, was boring as usual. All we did was conjugations the entire period. Then I had study hall.

When the bell rang, and I was walking through the hallway to fourth period, I caught an eye of someone. It was Ryan. He actually came today. Wow. He was back to looking normal. An average six foot, normal green eye color and everything. He still had muscles I had to admit, but other than that... he seemed like every other boy.

His gaze met mine as I walked passed. I felt like everything was happening in slow motion. How exactly? I'm not sure. But his eyes looked at me with something deeper. Like he hated me or something. I couldn't quite tell.

I turned on a corner and started walking down that hallway so I could get to environmental science class. Nobody was in that hallway which was strange.

I felt a cold breeze from behind me but when I turned around there was no one there. Odd.

I kept walking, my pace quickening as I was ready to turn another corner and finally get to class. In a flash, I felt arms engulf me as I was pushed into the janitors closet that was coincidentally beside me.

I tried screaming but the hand that was over my mouthed prevented me from doing so. The door closed and I heard a whisper, "remember me?"

Fuck. It was him.

this is a short chapter but i felt like it was a good place to stop! <3

love you all please vote and comment :)


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