Chapter 14

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Megan's POV

Hours. I had been sitting in the same room that Ryan had chained me up for hours. He hadn't given me any food or water. Not that I could even get it anyway, given I had been chained up and unable to move.

Well doesn't this feel familiar.

I scoffed, even thinking about Ryan disgusted me. He was a coward, a rotten piece of shit - all the words in the world couldn't elaborate how I felt for him. Hatred.

Something perked my ears up. I heard footsteps outside the room and I looked at the door to see a shadow figure standing there. I couldn't see a face nor anything - but I could tell they had came to check on me.

They stepped into the vague light of the candle and my breathed hitched as I was met with the most beautiful female I had ever seen.

She had long platinum blonde hair, full pink lips, pale skin that seemed almost doll-like, an hourglass figure with perky breasts that were likely d-cup. But the most astonishing and breathtaking characteristic about her was her big, bright... purple eyes. They were mesmerizing to the point where I could definitely tell I was staring. I pulled my eyes apart from her too-perfect body and stared at the floor in embarrassment. I was quite literally trash compared to her. I considered myself pretty but boy did that confidence fly straight down the trash when I saw her.

"Y-you're beautiful," I stuttered, my mouth gaping.

She parted her lips slightly and surprisingly smiled at me. "Thank you, angel."

I felt ashamed as I bobbed my head towards my legs, the chains dipping with me. She was art created by a mastermind and I was simply trash. She could most definitely tell I was uncomfortable.

"What's your name?" She asked. She raised an eyebrow and eyed me suspiciously, yet seductively.

"Megan." I couldn't built up the courage to ask for her name, nor even have the guts to meet her eyes.

"I'm Annabelle. You can call me Anna." She moved toward me gracefully, which caught my eyes' attention. Her five-inch heels clicked on the concrete floor. She bent down to become eye level with me and grabbed my chin, lifting it upwards to meet my gaze.

"I'm sorry Ryan is doing this to you," she breathed. She tucked a strand of hair behind my ear and looked deep into my green eyes. "I told him to set you free."

My eyes widened at her words. "What did he say?"

Anna rolled her tongue in her mouth and sighed. The anticipation was building up within me, the possibility of going home was the biggest priority to me. "Unfortunately, no." She looked at the ground and fumbled with her beautifully designed finger nails. "Bastard," she whispered under her breath.

My mind immediately went to Ryan and I couldn't help but think of his perfectly cut jawline and his subtle five o' clock shadow. The rippled muscles gleaming all down his tall frame. "Hot bastard."

Oops. That was meant to stay in my head.

Anna looked me up and down and roared up in laughter. I raised a brow and watched her laugh at something that I couldn't even understand. "Sorry..." I mumbled, realizing she laughed at my comment.

"No honey, everything's alright. It's just..." she trailed off and bit her bottom lip to contain a giggle. "Ryan is not hot."

Perhaps I didn't have eyes but it seemed to me Ryan could have been sculpted by the gods himself - as could Anna. But how in the hell did Anna find him unattractive? Any girl on planet Earth would be gazing at him like he was some shiny new toy if they saw him in the state he was in now. Nothing was wrong with him at school - but in Hell, he was one hunk of muscle and undeniably attractive.

So why did Anna think he was ugly?

"What do you mean?" I said, looking at her flawless skin.

"I mean, he's not ugly, it's just..." Anna sat down on her butt and straightened her legs out. "I'm lesbian."

My face grew at her words and I contained a giggle form within my chest. "You are a beautiful human," she said as she licked on her lips. She messed with her fingernails and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear.

She wasn't...... was she?

"If only I could get a taste..." she said, leaning into me.

"Anna!" Ryan screamed from the door. Anna turned around to face him and growled at his presence. "Get away from her."

Anna stood up and glared at Ryan. "You shouldn't leave her here, alone. You're lucky it was me and not one of the old council members. She would've been terrified."

Ryan clenched his jaw and glanced at me. He was shirtless, wearing nothing but grey sweatpants and I couldn't help but feel turned on as I stared at his glorious body.

"Anna, leave."

Anna looked back at me once more and blew me a kiss before gracefully walking out of the room, swaying her hips.

"I'm sorry about her. She can't ever keep her hands off... what's new."

"What do you mean what's 'new'?"

"You're like the new toy," he said. "A shiny new toy who everyone wants to touch. But I won't let them touch you, you're mine."

I raised an eyebrow. "Maybe you shouldn't leave me here alone then."

Ryan undid my chains and rubbed my wrists. He leaned down into my neck and nibbled on my creamy pale skin. His hot breath fanned my ear which caused me it feel tingles. Bastard.

I opened my mouth as his tongue grazed across my neck towards my jawline. I placed my hands on his chest as he placed kisses on my jawline and grabbed my ass. I accidentally moaned at the action and he laughed. "My whore."

"I'm not your w-whore."

"Yes. You are, Meg." He tucked a strand of hair behind my ear and kissed my forehead. "Which is why you're coming with me to the ball."

A ball? They had those in Hell?

"You mean... a dress-up, dance kind of ball?" I moved my arms across my chest and stared at him on utter confusion.

"Yes. That kind." He grabbed my wrist and led me out of the room with him. "It'll be tomorrow at 8 pm. I have maids who will get you dressed. I will tell you the rules tomorrow, I expect nothing but perfection."

I nodded my head as he stopped and pushed me against the wall. He took my leg and lifted at up as his other hand pinned my wrists above my head. I stared at his plump pink lips.

Oh god how I wanted to kiss them.

He was only centimeters away from kissing me, but just as he had me on edge, he pulled away and chuckled.

"You little shit," I muttered under my breath.

Ryan lightly smacked my ass. "Don't say that."

He led me to the kitchen and we ate some supper. I was hungry and the chicken with noodles tasted immaculate in my mouth.

The whole time I couldn't get the ball off my mind.

sorry for the long wait! after getting out of school i took the time to enjoy hanging out with friends:) anyways a lot of you requested this chapter so here it is!! i'll try to write some more tonight as well. thank you guys sososo much for 4K reads i really appreciate it.

love you guys and thanks for reading<3 vote share comment !!!!


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