Chapter 13

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Megan's POV

Seth, whoever the man was, picked me up and threw me over his shoulder and started running at a speed humanly impossible. Ryan, being the Devil of course, was able to catch up in no time. However Seth was a competition.

He knew he had to come up with something or else Ryan would get me so he ran into a pitch black room and put my hand over my mouth. "Be quiet, kitten."

I cringed at this subtle words but nevertheless was silent. The room was still but the atmosphere was tight. I felt uncomfortable, two men fighting over me yet I wanted neither of them. I wanted James. Rachel. Elena. My mother. I missed them so much.

"Meg, you need to come home with me," Seths scary voice claimed.

Crumbled by the hands of uncertainty, I threw my face in my hands, scared for my own life. A man that I had known since middle school versus a man that I didn't know at all. What was so special about me?

I heard a growl from behind me. I didn't even know there was room there, but regardless - I turned my head in fear and saw a pair of bright red, possessive eyes. I screamed.

"Take me fucking home!!!" I screamed once again before I heard noises of fighting and growling. Something scratched my arm. It was dark and I could hardly see a thing - but I knew one thing for sure; Ryan was killing Seth.

Tears streamed down my face as I rubbed the bloody spot on my arm. I sobbed, wanting this life to be over. If being in Hell meant I had to see constant fighting and blood, I'd rather commit suicide.

Suddenly the fighting ended and the room grew even hotter than it was previously. I could sense someone in the room with me, and my conscious knew damn good and well who it was.

"Ryan," I seethed. I was livid; what was his point in taking me here if this was all he was going to do? I was only a mere human.

"He's gone."

"Did you kill him?" I questioned in fear.

"No, he's just gone. Now follow me," Ryan growled before grabbing my wrist and making me leave the room with him.

"Ow, Ryan, you're hurting me!" I angrily screamed, yanking against his death tight grip.

"Shut the fuck up," Ryan answered, his eyes turning black. He pulled me forcefully into a room that was all-too familiar to me: where I woke up at on prom night.

"So is this was you do for a living, Ryan?" I angrily fought back as he threw me to the ground. There were chains attached to the wall that Ryan walked towards. "You steal little girls and ruin their lives for your pleasure?" I scoffed. "You're pathetic."

Ryan chained my wrist to one restraint, coming to my other wrist before grabbing my jaw and staring into the depths of my soul.

"No, Meg - I'm not the bad guy you think I am. I may be the son of Satan; soon to be Satan himself but I don't hurt people for fun. I simply take what's mine and make sure nobody else has their hands on my possession. Got it?" Ryan let go of my jaw, chaining me up for good.

"Why are you keeping me here?" My voice sounded so powerless to his. There was no point in fighting back, I knew he could kill me in seconds so I just let him do as he pleased.

"Because," Ryan started, folding his arms across his chest. "I can't let you leave. And I certainly can't let what's mine runaway, can I? I don't want to have to kill anyone else."

"Like that innocent man? He was going to take me home. He was going to take me away from all this - but you ruined it for me! You ruined my chances of hope, Ryan Miller," I yelled, louder with each word. Somehow the anger built up inside me that I found myself spitting on him.

Ryan looked down at his chest, my spit gliding down his collarbone and towards his muscles. He glared at me, anger creeping behind his devilish orbs.

He grabbed my throat so hard, smashing my lips against his in an angry yet lustful kiss. His lips bruised mine, teeth biting into my lip hard enough to make me bleed. Ryan tasted the red liquid that savored in my mouth. His tongue explored every inch of my mouth.

With his grip so tight on my throat I started to feel like I couldn't breathe. I was so pulled into the kiss that I forgot I needed air to stay alive. I started yanking on the restraints, hopefully giving Ryan a sign to pull away.

He let go of his angered grip on my throat, allowing me to gasp for air. His black eyes stared at me with both lividness and need. I normally didn't want any part of him - matter of fact I hated him, but I was so drawn into desire-filled moments like these that made me want every inch of him to consume me, my mind, body, and soul.

"Fuck you," I seethed at his grin that widened each second. He knew that our temporary sexual encounters couldn't be stopped no matter how much I tried. I gave in every time, giving him what he wanted. Me.

"Oh, Meg," Ryan chuckled as he tucked a strand of hair behind my ear, "soon enough you'll be on your knees, begging for me to fill up every inch of your pussy as I tie you up and watch you beg." His whisper in my ear caused the hairs on my neck to rise. "And trust me, little girl, that day is not far."

He stood up, walking out of the room, leaving me with an open mouth and wet pussy.

What the fuck am I supposed to do?

well y'all. how are you liking the story so far? this is one of my favorites to write, i'm literally so obsessed with ryan's dominant side it makes me HORNY LMAO. it's just even funnier that i make myself horny by just writing it. but the story has just begun. there will be so many more smut-filled chapters ahead my friends, you just have to wait.

vote, comment, and share <3 i love you.


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