Chapter 8

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Ryan's POV

"Suck," I demanded. Her eyes grew big and she had a terrified look on her face and it turned me on even more. I loved that wide-eyed look of terror. She wasn't as powerful as me and knowing that she was scared made me even bigger.

"I c-can't," stuttered.

"Come on little girl, just put your lips around it. I'll do the rest," I said as a grabbed a bunch of her hair and winked.

I could sense footsteps so I pulled my pants up and walked back to my chair. "You're lucky. You won't get away with that so easily next time." I was so turned on I couldn't stop staring at her. She did things to me.

It didn't matter though. I needed someone to use in hell. She'd be my little sex slave. There was no meaning behind it. I was going to use her for sex until she begged me for it and then she would want to be with me all the time.

I threw that dilemma in her face because I wanted her to be mine as a human. If she didn't come to me, then like I said, I would have to kill her and that's not what I wanted to do. If I killed her she'd come back to hell in demon form. I wanted her to be human - for a while at least. At some point I would turn her into a demon but not now. Not when so much was going on in hell.

I suppose I could've kidnapped her like I did prom night - but where's the fun in that? I wanted her to be the one to come to me. If I kidnapped her it wouldn't feel like I was winning. With her coming to me... I felt powerful. I felt like I had control.

I stared her down as the principal came into the room. Whatever the hell her name was.

"You two are dismissed." Fucking finally.

We both walked out of the room. "See you after school," I said swiftly before taking a right. I could feel her heartbeat and I knew she was panicking. Cute little human.

What she still had yet to realized though, was that she was mine - and nothing in the mortal or immortal world was going to change that.


It was after school. I was sitting on the bench smoking a cigarette. Minutes passed by and Meg still hadn't shown up. I knew she was going to. It was only a matter of time.

I could sense a human and a breeze hit my body. I knew she was here. I saw her walking from afar and as she got closer I yelled, "what took you so long?"

"I had to call my mom. Just so I could... talk to her for the last time." I smirked.

"Come with me," I demanded. I gave her my hand and she took it. We walked to the forest just outside of the courtyard. "Where are we going?"


"Then why do we need to walk out here?"

"So I can show you something."

I could feel my body changing. My wings grew from my back and my head snapped; horns grew from my head. My canines were sharp and I was in full form.

She stood there, terrified of me. She started to run but I chased her and pushed her up against a tree. I growled in her ear, "don't fucking run away from me like that or I'll tie you up."

I could smell her arousal at my words. I looked down  and smiled when I could tell she was growing wet. I pulled her jeans down and her breathing quickened. I moved her underwear to the side and rubbed her wet folds. "So wet. You really want me don't you?" I pushed myself up against her harder.

"Y-yes," she whispered, closing her eyes. At my demonic state it wasn't possible for her to deny me. That's what I loved about it. I had used this trap on a couple thousand girls before.

I took my fingers and tasted her juices. She was so sweet - much different than any girl I had tasted before.

"Come to hell with me."

She nodded and I closed my eye as thunder struck. We were in hell.

do you guys prefer ryans pov or megans? i personally love ryans bc he's my baby but idk
i like megans mind too

y'all lmk your thoughts please <3

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