Chapter 10

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Megan's POV

My breathing pace increased as I heard the sound of Ryans pants unzipping. He pulled them down and was left in his boxers. He pointed to the bed next to us. "Lay on the bed and take your clothes off."

His voice was demanding as I quickly jumped on the bed and wasn't hesitating to take off my clothes. I grabbed the back of my bra and started to unclasp the hooks, but I stopped. My fear was holding me back through the excitement.

Ryan came over to the bed, completely naked. I couldn't help but stare at his even larger than before member. There was no way that it would fit inside of me and there was likely no way I was going to do this. I just needed his touch to cool me down.

"Take. Them. Off." His voice was so low and attractive I was half-tempted to follow his command.

"I c-can't," I stuttered. My body was trembling and my mind was undergoing an abundance of thoughts.

"Then I suppose I'll just have to do it for you," Ryan said as he reached over and ripped my bra off of my body effortlessly. My insecurities caused me to grab my b-cupped breasts and lower my head. He'd probably fucked another girl with bigger breasts than mine and it made me feel less valuable. But why did I care what he thought?

"Fuck Megan, you better move your damn hands and stop making this so difficult. You don't need to cover them."

Somehow I found a sense of comfort in his words. I felt like he didn't care what size they were. Was that nice of him? Sweet? I wasn't really sure but regardless, I slowly moved my hands to reveal my body to him.

He removed my thong for me and soon enough I was there, naked. His dark eyes were roaming my body and I could tell he was thinking of all the things he could do to me. My core was wet with excitement but my mind was fearful. His member was large and even though it was likely impossible, I feared i might never be able to walk after this.

His finger grazed over my dripping wet hole. I was needy for his touch but he was so slow.

"This wet already?" Ryan chuckled. He licked the finger he touched me with and looked at me straight in the eyes. "You're mine Meg."

My inner feisty self was inactive and my shy side was taking over. As Ryan would say, my "submissive" side. I wasn't quite sure how he could find that attractive but I guess I didn't even have to try to be submissive. It was already in me.

Ryans head lowered between my legs and soon enough I felt his tongue on my clit. It sent chills throughout my body and I grabbed the sheets given on the bed.

"Ryan... I can't." Something stopped me.

"Well, you will." In a flash, he had handcuffs on my wrists that were attached to the bed post. Fuck, something about this was so attractive that it made me even more wet. And Ryan liked that.

His tongue plunged into my wet entrance and he licked all over my walls doing so. A soft moan escaped my lips and I bit my lip.

"Don't bite your lip," he pulled apart, saying. "I want to hear you screaming my name. I want everyone to hear it."

He licked harder and faster and inserted a finger into me, thrusting in and out - hitting the perfect spot every time. Sparks sent through my whole body as his fingers did the work my body craved.

"Ryan!" I moaned loudly. My cheeks were red, knowing I was doing exactly what he wanted.

I was on edge, pulling on the handcuffs as he continued to pleasure me. "Oh my g-god, it's so good!" I screamed.

My body was craving his member more and more. I had to release. And just as I was about to, he stopped.

did y'all enjoy this little smut? i wasn't gonna give y'all the big one yet - that'll be a few chapters ahead. be patient, but just know it'll come soon. ;) i know i took a little break but i had spring break and everything was just busy but anyways here's an update.

please vote & share <3


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