Baby, It's Cold Outside

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George PoV

I ended up going to bed in the Burrow. I had my own flat close to WWW but there was no point in going back there since I was going to come back here in the morning. But I couldn't sleep. I got up from my bed and rubbed my face. My eyes landed on Lynx's Christmas gift. It was so beautiful; I couldn't believe that she took the time to paint something like that for me. I took a deep breath, got out of bed and put on trousers, a t-shirt and a winter coat.

I grabbed the painting and Apperated to WWW. The crack of my apparition echoed through the walls of the shop. I turned on the lights and looked at where I could hang the painting. Since this was a joke shop and this painting was not a joke at all, I couldn't proper place to hang it. I ended up hanging it on the wall where the entrance was so that's the last thing people see when they exit, two happy blokes. 

While I stared at the painting for the millionth time that day, I chuckled and crossed my hands. I stared at Fred. "I wish you were here, mate. Things would be a whole lot better." 

The night was starting to feel old and my eyes dropped. "Oy, time for tonight to end..." I made sure everything was in order and decided to walk to my flat since it wasn't too far along the way. After I locked the door, I looked around the snowy Diagon Alley. It was quiet. The only sound was the breeze of the snowy wind. I shivered and wished I had wore more layers. 

As I was heading to the exit of the Alley, I saw two figures far ahead, embracing in this cold Christmas night. I smiled. At least people are still happy. But when I got a little closer, there was still quite a distance between us, I realized who it was. I can spot that blonde girl anywhere. Lynx. She was with another person. 

I said to myself, "Lynx..." I stood in place and watched the two as they kissed and enjoyed a quiet snow storm to themselves. 

Both of them broke apart and smiled to each other then out of no where they dissaperated. And from that moment on, I realized how much I've missed her.

Lynx PoV

I shivered as Stef said my full name, but wrapped my arms around him. Then Stef Apparated to his flat. When I felt my feet touch ground again, I felt Stef's cold hands go over my eyes.

"So this is your flat, huh," I said as I looked around. 

He kissed me softly on the mouth and said, "Yeah, this is my flat."

I held his hand as I looked around. To my surprise, it was of Victorian decor. Most of the things inside looked like it were made hundreds of years ago. It almost looked like the manor. "So you like vintage stuff, huh?" I asked.

"Yeah, my sisters always like this type of objects, so it grew on to me."

"Your five older sisters?" I asked.

Stef chuckled, "Yup, my five sisters."

"Wow, are you sisters nice?" I asked.

"Yes, very. I love them till death and afterlife, but since I'm the only one that can do magic, I don't hang around with them much. Not because I don't want to but because they have very Muggle lives and magic and Muggles never seem to mix."

"Do they ever get jealous that you could do magic?"

"Oh, yeah, of course when they were small. They said that I have a gift that I should keep improving on. I think my sister knows loads more spells then I do. It's mad, really. When I attended Koldovstoretz, they sponsored me bought all of my textbooks, and uniforms, and Quidditch gear."

Even though it was one o' clock in the morning, I didn't feel tired at all. Stef made us tea and we spent the whole night exchanging stories in his couch. I even told him about my family and the wonderful apology that my father gave me this morning. With every bad thing in my life, this day was probably the best day of my life. Everything was starting to look up for me and I wanted it to stay like that forever.

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