Letters to Mother

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Dear Lynx,

I not supposed to be sending you letters, but this is urgent. I'm sure you are very angry with the three of us and I understand that and I hope you understand why. I don't know how to put this, but I'll put it into two nice comfortable words: I'm pregnant. It's a girl. I haven't told Draco or Lucius, yet. I'm not sure why I'm telling you first. I suppose I have less to lose if I tell you. I don't know what to do, Lynx. For the first time in years, I'm seeking for your help.

Your Mother,
   Narcissa Malfoy

As I was rereading the letter over and over and over again, I became more frustrated. There were tears in my eyes and I wanted to scream. Instead, I took out my quill and ink bottle and a piece of parchment. I sat down on my desk and wrote:

Dear Mother,

How can you get pregnant if you couldn't even handle your second child? How selfish and irresponsible can you get? You abandoned me, pretended I didn't exist and betrayed me over and over again. I do believe that you love your son, Draco, with your whole heart. He is luck to have a mother like you. But you have not been a mother to me. And I do not believe you will give the same love to a new daughter.

First of all, you have to tell Father. He'll be the one to help you better than anyone can, even if he was as a shoddy parent to me as you were.

Please, don't raise her like you did Draco and I. Draco was your first chance, you almost succeeded. You gave him all your love and that's fantastic. I was your second chance; you threw me off your shoulder at age four. And if this girl is going to be your third chance, please take care of her. I don't want her to be in the Dark Lord's hands.

And lastly, if you are going to keep it, don't mess her up like you messed me up. Did you know it was my birthday today? No, I'm not barking at you. I'm seventeen and I can take care of myself, as I have been for over thirteen years. I remember it was the day when you, or father, I can't remember, said that I wasn't supposed to happen? If she is like me, a mistake, then don't treat her like one. She'll surely grow into you. I hope you make the right decision.

Your "Daughter",

PS: How does the name Lyra sound? It's a constellation like Draco and I and it fits, I think.

And yes, I did leave out my middle name, Narcissa, and my last name out of it. I put it on an envelope, sealed it, and went down stairs to see Molly and Charlie having tea and a conversation. When they looked up to me, Molly looked at me with great sadness and shock.

"Why are you crying, dear?" Molly asked.

I touched the top of my cheek to feel tears, still coming out of my eyes. I answered, "I haven't even noticed..." I sniffled and wiped the tears with my sleeve.

"What happened, dearie?"

"Nothing... I just..."

I heard footsteps coming from behind me and when I looked it were George and Fred, looking at me with also sadness in their eyes. I looked back to Molly.

"I got a letter from my mother, whom I haven't spoken too in a while. Do you have an owl?" I asked.

"Ah, yes, we do," Charlie answered. "Though I haven't used her in a while." He opened the closest window and whistled loudly. In a matter of time, a beautiful brown and grey horned owl. "Abby's a bit slow, but gets the work done."

I nodded thanks and went to Abby. "This is to Narcissa Malfoy in Malfoy Manor." I gave her the letter and he flew away. I watched her set off in the moonlight, still trying not to burst out crying, though I'm not sure why I'm crying.

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