Lynx Malfoy... No.1 Undesirable

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George PoV

When I looked up and saw the gleaming silver blue eyes, I froze. We stood there for a second or two but the boy that was with her grabbed her by the arms and ran. 

"What is going on?" I said to myself.

A man in black ran up to me and said, "Where did she go?"


"The Malfoy girl!"


"Yeah, her. She was just here. Where do you think she went?" 

"Uhm... She ran though this way and then took a huge U-Turn," I lied. 

"Thank you!" He ran back to his people and yelled, "Oi! She turned around! Let's go!"

Something was just not clicking. I wanted to find her because I was so drunk last night. I forced myself to her. I was so wrong and I felt like total shit after. Even now, I cannot believe what I did to her. But why did these people want to see her? What kind of trouble did she get her into. As I walked around the chaotic Diagon Alley, there was a copy of the Daily Prophet on the floor. Lynx's photo was on the front page. I picked it up and read the horrific headline, "Lynx Malfoy... No.1 Undesirable." 

This just in. Almost a year after the Battle of Hogwarts, the Ministry finally found out who killed Fred Weasley and Ashlee Reel. And that girl is Lynx N. Malfoy. The Ministry sentenced her to Azkaban and the Dementors Kiss today, but one of the Ministry Snatchers accidentally let her go. The most recent update on her is that the Ministry made her "No.1 Undesirable" and she was seen by Wesley Premium, No.2 Undesirable. If you have any information about this please contact the Ministry.

Oh, my, freaking, god. She didn't kill Fred. She couldn't. Why would she? But Lynx did look... guilty when I ran to her on the scene where Fred died. That was such a long time ago... Part of me wants to believe this but the other doesn't want me to. 

Lynx couldn't.

"But she could have," I heard my lips say.

Stef PoV

I opened the door to Lynx's flat and went inside. My footsteps echoed through the room as I was walking around, wishing to find her here. It was still thundering and raining outside. I rubbed my eyes from the embarrassing tears and went inside her bedroom to find it how it was yesterday; the bed messed up, her music player was playing soft rock, and her canvas on the easel.


"Just tell me," I pleased placing my forehead on her forehead.  Lynx giggled and gabbed my hand so we were laying on the bed, cuddling and holding hands. Soft rock was playing in a Muggle music player in the background.

"Why does it matter?" she asked, kissing me quickly.

"It matters because I want to get you something special. C'mon, love, please?" I pleaded, stroking her pale blonde hair. 

She sighed and said, "Fine, my birthday is on the second of April."

"Yes!" I said in relief. "I thought it passed."

"'Course not. Though, I wish that birthdays were a one time thing."

"When I give you a really cool gift, you going to plead for another birthday."

"Valentines Day was amazing."

"I know. And I'm glad your still wearing it."

Lynx grabbed bracelet on her hand and smiled. "I love it."

Lynx Malfoy (A Harry Potter FanFiction)Where stories live. Discover now