I Tremble... They're Gonna Eat Me Alive

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"G... Greyback..." I managed to say.

Without another word, he lifted his claw and slashed me on my chest. I cursed and took out my wand.

"Petrificus Totalus!" I spelled. It shot Greyback on the chest and he fell on the floor, paralyzed and immobile. I grinned but it faded completely when I saw Scabior smugly looking at me.

"Hello, gorgeous. Fancy seeing you here. Now it looks like your going to..." He leaned to my ear. "Die."

"In your bloody dreams! Sectumsempra!" I casted the spell and it hit hm on the chest and he fell on the floor, blood began to stain his clothes. Seeing his blood made me realize that Grayback slashed me so when I looked down at my chest my white shirt looked almost completely red and wet. "Vulnera Sanentur." I pointed the wand to my chest and it soaked up all my blood and my wound was healed.

"What was that noise?" I heard mother asked.

"Doesn't matter, bring in the elf!" Bellatrix snapped.

Wormtail scurried to the underground cellar and Bella looked straight at Hermione. I saw her left arm that was written, 'Moodblood.'  I heard a groan come from Scabior.

By reflex, I whispered, "Petrificus Totalus!"

It hit him and he turned paralyzed and immobile. I sighed in complete relief  and went down slowly. I heard Hermione's cry again and that just pierced my heart... And I asked myself, why? She probably don't even care for me.

I maneuvered from the stairs to a tall podium. I saw Harry, Ron... Dean and Luna! What are they doing here? I felt like I just saw Dean in Hogwarts? He probably got kidnapped during a break. Then, a face that I thought I'd never see again, Dobby the House Elf, appeared. He whispered something to Harry and Dissaperated with Luna and Dean.

Ron and Harry were down on the stairs, hiding from the Death Eaters, but Greyback was right behind them and grabbed them. Bellatrix ignored Hermione, who was now passed out on the floor, and went to Harry and Ron. 

Ron disarmed Bellatrix and everyone started to exchange spells. I wanted to help, but something inside me stopped me.

Bellatrix ran to Hermione, grabbed her knife, put it to her neck and yelled, "I'll slit her neck!"

By that, Ron and Harry stopped.

"Drop your wands, NOW!" She yelled and they obeyed. "Draco! Go get their wands!" She commanded. I looked at Draco and he had hesitation in his eyes, but got them anyways. Bellatrix started to laugh and I saw her cut part of Hermione's neck.

"NO! STOP!" Ron yelled.

"Humph. Like, I'd listen to you! You filthy Blood-Traior! She, a Mudblood, should mean nothing to you!" Bellatrix yelled.

"Now," I whispered to myself. I got up from the podium and casted, "Expelliarmus!" I pointed it to Bellatrix's knife and it went flying. Dobby came into the picture and made the chandelier fall on her. I quietly laughed and got Hermione. I woke her up and she hugged me. I passed her to Ron and said, "Go!"

"Our wands!" Harry announced.

I looked at Draco and said, "Petrificus Totalus!" I saw him fall and I grabbed all their wands. I looked at his face in sadness. I got their wands on his pocket and gave it to them. Bellatrix got up and looked at Dobby.

"How dare you try to kill me!" She yelled.

"Dobby didn't mean to kill anyone. Only to maim or seriously injure," The house elf said.

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