You Know What The Funny Thing Is? I'm Dead.

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"Are you ready for this?" Ace asked Lynx.

"A bit... I think I'm going though an emotional rush!" Lynx answered, jumping in place.

"Alright! We're all ready!" Patten said, or rather Stark.

"Okay. Lynx. Drink the Potion," Nathan told her.

Lynx took a deep breath and took the nebula looking potion. After that, Zany and Stark dissaperated and Lynx ran into her room. She grabbed a piece of worn out parchment, wrote a message and Apperated. It's go time.


"Stefan, your fired!" Fakir snapped.

"Damn. I saw this coming," Stef mumbled.

"I'm sorry, Abbate, but-"

"No, it's fine. I was having the time of my life seeing Derek dying. Thank you."

"I'll send you the paycheck by owl. Thank you."

"Thank you, sir." he grabbed his stuff and left the café. He sat down, grabbed a Prophet that was on the floor and began reading the front page story, Derek Dead! Who's Next?!

As he began to stand and go to his flat, a woman screamed and the people in the center of Diagon Alley began circling something. Stefan ran to the crowd, pushed though them and he froze. No. Not her. Anyone but her.


"AH!" Lynx yelled, getting up from her sleep. She looked around and found Mckenzie reading a book in her room.

Mckenzie looked up and saw Lynx awake. "Oh, Demalice, you're finally. You know, for a while, I thought you were dead for real. But you're alright."

"What happened? All I remember was standing in front of WWW and just collapsing."

"That's exactly what happened. You were out for around... two and half days."

"What? Didn't Derek say it was supposed to be a day and a half."

"Yeah, but things don't always go as planned. But we didn't just chill when we were here. Patten and I thought of a way to kill us."

"Really? Thank god... I wasn't ready to come up with a way to kill you."

"Right," Mckenzie said getting up.

"So... how?"

"Patten'll explain." Mckenzie helped Lynx up and they went to the living room. Ace saw Lynx and jumped on her.

"Lynx! You're alive!" Ace exclaimed, still dangling from her neck.

"Ouch... let go of me, please, Ace... It hurts..." Lynx said.

"Oh, sorry!" Ace jumped off.

"Okay, since you're awake, let me tell you about how Patten and Mckenzie are going to die," Nathan said.

"Sure. But hold on," Lynx said. "Who here was there when I quote-on-quote died?"

"I was. Why?" Ace asked.

"Can I see it?" Lynx asked.

"Sure... Accio Pensive."

The silver bowl floated next to Ace. She grabbed it and placed it on a tall coffee table while she extracted the silver thread of memory to the Pensive. Ace looked at Lynx and nodded.

"I'll be right back... I just need to see this..." Lynx said. She put her head in the Pensive.


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