I'm Thinking of A Word That Kills Relationships...

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"I guess I have some explaining to do," Lynx said.

"Yeah. I guess so," Stefan answered.

"Do you want me to show you in the Pensive?"

"No. I want you to explain."

"Where do you want me to start?"

"When I left for work."

"Well," Lynx paused. She made a vow not to remember that day but giving the circumstances, she'll just have to. "After you left for work, I stayed with Janice and Marcus, specifically I stayed in my gallery. Janice left for some painting meeting with Marcus so she told me to deliver this box to Weasley Wizard Wheezes." Stefan cringed. "I, being the idiot, didn't tell her that THAT George was the one I... dated a while back. She dissaperated before I even had a chance to compromise so I had to do it. When I went in, I placed the boxes on his office. I tried to small talk with him but that didn't work out so I left the office. He ran to me and... kissed me. I pushed him back but he pulled me to another one and that's when you came in..." Lynx hadn't realized that tears were slowly making their way to her chin. She continued, "And that's when you came in and..." Lynx couldn't continue. "I'm so sorry Stef..."

Stefan looked at her, fighting back tears in his eyes. He ran to her and hugged Lynx. Her tears fell to Stefan's shoulder but he didn't mind. He hadn't realized that he missed her so much until this moment.

"I'm sorry," Stefan said.

"It's my fault, Stef."

"It's also mine. I didn't reason with you."

There was a long pause before Lynx spoke again. "But I can't do this right know, Stef." Lynx broke the hug.

"I can guess so. Being Undesirable No.1 can be a harsh thing."

"No, what I mean is... this." She pointed at Stefan and to herself. "I can't do us. We can't do us..."

"Why not?"

"It's like you said. Being Undesirable No.1 sucks! I hate it. And if you're found with me, the Ministry will assume you've been helping me."

"I don't care."

"I do."

"So, what? We're just going to end it here and that's it?" Stefan asked looking straight into Lynx's pale eyes.

"No... Well, yes. But I don't want us to fade away."

"But if we're apart then that'll make us just friends?"

"I don't want that either," Lynx groaned.

"What choice do we have?"

"Maybe I should be a criminal, too."

"Hah! That's funny, Stef. I forgot how funny you were."

"I'm not joking!"

"Well, you have Nathan to worry about now."

"Worry about what?" He asked.

"Nathan! You have a twin brother. You have to find out why Jackie took him away from your family."

"I haven't even processed that."

"I haven't even processed anything, really," Lynx said, scratching the back of her head. 

"Maybe you will. Once you get your name cleared," Stefan said.

"Something I still haven't worked on... I don't even know how to prove-"

"BOO!" Derek and Ace yelled, caring food.

"AUGH!" Lynx and Stefan exclaimed.

"Aw... We didn't ruin a intimate moment... That sucks. Anyways, Stefan, it's almost time for you to get out of here so pack your things," Derek said, putting the food in the refrigerator.

"Do you have a large bag about the size of Lynx?" Stefan asked.

"Why?" Ace asked.

"Because I want to talk her with me."

Lynx Malfoy (A Harry Potter FanFiction)Where stories live. Discover now