The Letter, The Curse of Boredom, and the Run

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I stood there, shocked looking at the letter. Usually, I'd be overjoyed to receive a letter from Draco, but I had an ominous and scared feeling. Fred gave me the letter and when I looked at everyone that was there, Molly, George and Fred, they had a confused and anxious look. I dropped my stuff on a nearby chair and walked out of the Burrow. 

I walked to the pond, climbed the closest tree and deeply sighed. I looked at the letter and saw his beautiful handwriting, or that's what I thought. Normally he has beautiful and curvy handwriting, but it looked like he wrote it quickly. Oh, it doesn't matter! I miss my brother so much. With trembling hands, I opened the letter. The wind blew and a leaf with a color of green mixed in with orange landed on my hands. I quickly tossed it away and read the letter. It said:

Dear L. N. M.,

Run! Get out of where you are! NOW! Our parents found you! And the Dark Lord wants you to become a Death Eater! If they find you then they'll turn you into one and I don't want you to have the same pain that I'm going to! RUN! NOW! 

Get out of there,

D. L. M.

When I finished the letter, I started to cry. When I was about to get all my stuff inside the Burrow, I felt a cold chill run down my spine. I looked around and the sky became dark and the leaves around me started to weather down... I felt like all the happiness was gone from the world. I knew what this was, Dementors. I looked up and saw a Dementor right in front of my face, almost touching my lips. By the shock, I fell from the tree, giving me time to get my Patronus ready.

I thought to myself, Think of something happy, Malfoy! C'mon, you're life wasn't that depressing!  Then, I thought of me being with the twins on the lake and how happy and how much fun I was having. That's better then nothing.

"Expecto Patronum!" I pointed my wand at the Dementor and yelled. A beautiful hawk came out of my wand and tackled the Dementor out of my sight. "Wow... I can't believe that thought actually worked..."

I ran as fast as I could to the Burrow to see worried looks at me. I heard yells of my names from behind me and my face went pale. The more they called, the more familiar the voices became. One of them was my mother for sure.

"Who's that?" Fred asked.

"Uh... I... They found me!" I exclaimed tears streaming down my cheeks until they hit the floor. Molly started to panic and George and Fred got their wands at the ready.

The door swung opened and my mother, Maurice Blane, and Carlo Prancer came into the Burrow. My mum was staring at me with relived yet angry eyes. Maurice got out his wand and yelled, "Stupefy!" Sparks flew out of his wand and hit me right in the chest. I was thrown across the room.

"Oh, no you didn't!" George yelled. "Reducto!" He pointed his wand to Maurice and things around him blew up. Fred disarmed Carlo, but he got his wand quickly. 

Struggling, I managed to get up. I pointed my wand, from where I was, to my mother and whispered a spell, "Conjunctivitis!" This spell ruins eyesight. I did this to Carlo and Maurice. I told Molly to hide and I told the twins to take the fight outside. We went out the back door and ran for a long time. I felt Fred and George hold my hand and we disapparated. We landed in a dark store, but with millions of things on the shelves.

"Where are we?" I asked looking around.

Fred answered, "Our old store, Weasley Wizard Wheezes. We closed it down just for the war."

"Yeah, I don't think you're going to be running it for a while," I said quietly looking at the products. There was everything a joke would want, fake wands, candy that'll make you sick, fireworks that won't burn you, and shoes that'll let you run sideways. "Did you two make all these?"

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