Who's Fault?!

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Draco's PoV

"Let the hunt begin," said Lynx then she ran out of the Manor. A few Death Eaters started to run to her but the Dark Lord stopped them.

"No! I said that I'll give her twenty-four hours, and I stick to my word!" He snapped. The Death Eaters nodded, not having another choice. Then, he shot a look at me. "Thank you, Draco, for telling us where she was. I didn't expect more of her because of her being a Malfoy."

I just nodded and looked down. Bloody hell! This is all my fault. Shut up! This isn't about me. It's about Lynx, my only sister, being hunted by Death Eaters for sport! And if I don't do something to help, she'll most probably die!

"DRACO!" I heard my mother yell. I looked up and saw no Dark Lord and no Death Eaters. Just Mother, Father and I. "Go to your room!"

"Mum..." I said.

"Just go to your room, Draco! This is all your fault that Lynx is going to get killed! How dare you turn away from your own sister?!" My mother yelled.

Something, I don't know what, clicked inside of me. I yelled, "I turned away from her?! This is coming from her mother that doesn't even remember when her birthday is! You and Father ignore her every year! That's why she ran away! So blame yourself for this, not me. If
loved her for just a little bit everyday, nothing like this would've happened."

"ENOUGH!" Father yelled. He got up from his seat and walked up to me. "Never talk to your mom like that ever again, do you hear me, Draco Malfoy? This subject is dropped! Away with you."

I glared at both of them, that had faces of guilt and anger, and went up to my room. I passed Lynx's room, but her door was opened. That was weird because her door was always closed. I looked in and saw Lynx sitting on her bed, reading a small book. I looked around and saw her room as a big mess. Cauldrons were brewing, books were everywhere and... it was just a mess. She looked at me with tear filled eyes and anger. I closed the door and put a soundproof charm onto room.

"What are you doing here?" I asked. "Don't you realize that if any of them catch you, you're going to get ki-."

"You told them where I was?" Lynx demanded.

"What?" I tried.

"Uh, huh. Then why, when I came into the Manor, you wouldn't even look at me?"

"It's... It's not like that, L-."

"Oh, it's not like that. Then how is it, Draco?!"

"If I didn't tell them where you were, then they would've killed me!"

She chuckled in anger. "I lost count on how many times you've used that excuse! So you rather let them hunt me down and kill me? Some brother you are..."

"Look, Lynx, listen to me! You don't know what it's like here, to see You-Know-Who's face everyday is harder then you think. To see him torture and kill someone just for fun or information... Now they're going to hunt you down. Why are you here anyways? Should you be running?"

"Your master gave me 24 hours. Besides, I already know where to go," Lynx said deviously grinning.

"Where?!" I demanded.

"Yeah, I'm going to tell you so you can just turn on me once again."

She got up, put the book down on the bed, grabbed all of her potions, shrunk them, put them in her bag and walked to her window. Lynx opened the window and and left without saying another word. I clenched my fist and punched the wall. I looked at the dent and repaired it with magic.

I sat on her bed and up my head on my hands. I ran my fingers though my blonde hair and sighed. I looked at the book and picked it up. Lynx was reading... our journal. By reflex, I looked at Lynx who was already on the ground, and I threw her the book. She looked up and faintly smiled. We bought this book when I was going to Hogwarts. The man said that if you connect both books with a small bond, what you write will go on the other. So if I wrote a small little message from Hogwarts, she would get it in her book, here in the Manor. Lynx and I would write little notes to each other all the time. When I didn't have anyone to talk to, Lynx was always there by my side... We wrote in this until I finished sixth year... That's when everything went downfall. 

Ugh... I hope this bloody war is over... Why can't Potter or You-Know-Who just die... without them, this war would've been over already. 


Lynx PoV

I went down the window quietly and cautiously. I looked up and saw Draco reading our journal. He suddenly looked out the window and threw me the book. I couldn't help but to smile. I took one last glance at my stressed out brother and looked away. 

I said to myself, "Don't worry, Draco... It'll be okay... someday... Just hang in there."

I looked at the road ahead of me and sighed. Why can't I just learn to apparate, now? Stupid wizarding rules... I started to run, because it's a long trip to Knockturn Alley. When I was about a few yards away, I realized how long it was going to be... I got the journal and wrote, 'Draco, can I borrow your broom?' I climbed the closest tree and prayed that he saw the message. A few seconds after I wrote it, he answered, 'Sure. Just use Accio."

It made me smile that he was using the journal. I quickly said Accio Firebolt and it came flying to me. I quickly wrote thanks, shrunk it, and put it on my bad. I casted an invisibility spell on both, the broom and I. I got on it and soared though the wind. I smiled and felt the cold autumn wind on my face. Thank god that this broom is the fastest one, because I was in Knockturn Alley in about twenty minutes... which would've made about an hour in walking. 

I shrunk the broom and put it on my bag. I made the invisibility spell fade and found myself in front of WWW. I peeked in the store and found nothing... why do I suddenly miss them. They only think of me as a traitor. But I didn't do anything at all. My so-called family were the ones that turned their backs on me.

I mentally shook the thoughts off my head and went into Knockturn Alley. I searched through the madman and the wanted posters. Dang, if I was fearless and wasn't scared of dying, I'd be hunting down Death Eaters and be rich. I finally found the place, Borgin and Burkes. I peeked in and didn't see anyone.

"Alohamora," I whispered. 

I heard the door click and I opened the door. I browsed though the whole store and finally found it. The Vanishing Cabinet. I opened the door and saw a tidy little space inside. I found a few white and black feathers. I bushed them off and went inside.

I took a deep breath and whispered, "Harmonia Nectere Passus."

The feeling was different from apparating and Floo Powder. It felt more dizzy and more confusing. When I apparated with the twins, I was at the destination in a flash, but this felt like forever. Finally, after almost throwing up and fainting, I felt the spinning clam it self. I grabbed the handle and let myself in Hogwarts...

I looked up and saw two boys pointing their wand at me. "Who are you!?" One boy demanded with a thick Irish accent.


Alright! :D I'm done! And I'm proud!! Oh, goodness that was a good write! I hoped you liked it!! Tell me who you think pointed their wand at Lynx. I'll give you a hint, they're in Gryffindor... :D Oh, tell me what House you're in too! I'm a proud Slytherin!

~PrinceThespian~ *Misha*

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